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Apr 8th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Oct 27th, 2018 - 11:47 PM
Nr. 3 #1065 1
I hope this is not too long?

Inanna the Indigoat's Journal, Oct. 27, 2018:

Ooh, a diary? I guess I could use an outlet right about now. I’m the second oldest in our rapidly growing family, and everything was going great until I came back from my last hoard. I could barely hide my pride as I presented Schnecco with my latest load – some liquid emerald, pumpkin fruit increase fertilizer, and a precious new Indigoat egg. As I expected, she placed the egg on the market almost immediately, and smiled as she mixed the fertilizer into all three of our pumpkin plots. She had been wanting that type for our high grade pumpkins.

“You did well, Inanna!” I closed my eyes in contentment as she petted me, but then snapped them open again when she said, “Good finale for your last hoard for a while.”
“Our new Troffinch has hatched, and she’s purple!”

I know Schnecco has been wanting other color group varieties since I am white like my older brother Alasdair, but I had never thought far enough ahead to the time I would be taken off hoarding duty. Alasdair is trying to get to level 100, and he is never around anymore. I could understand better now, though, why he was dubious about sharing his home with me after I had hatched.

Out in our expansive backyard, Ramona literally had the young Troffinch under her wing. “I’m teaching Riya everything I know!!” That Tuxo is way too excited about everything, to the point where it gets annoying, but she has also been quite a skilled hoarder from the day she hatched. I’m rather irked to admit it.
“You can teach her some more when you get back. Looks like it’s time for you to head out again.” Schnecco handed her some food pellets and sent her off.
“Oh, okay.” Ramona glanced back wistfully at her new avian sister. “Just remember, if I don’t get back before you leave for your first hoard, take advantage of being able to survey your surroundings from the sky!” Riya nodded and waved a wing to the retreating form of her self-appointed mentor.

Itzal the Igupunk, the second youngest, also scooped up his food ration and departed. Did I just imagine the smug look he gave me? He is an odd one, and hardly talks to the rest of us.

“Once you’re done resting, Inanna, I’ll send Riya out on her first hoard.”
I couldn’t bear the disappointment anymore, and was horrified at the tears in my eyes. “Maybe we should wait until she is a little older?” I tried.
“She will be fine. The earlier we can get her started, the faster she will improve.”
“But—but I brought you back an egg!” The tears spilled over now.
“Eggs are old news,” piped up Vasuki the Noo-Long. “Everyone is over them. We’re supposed to be finding evolution items now. Not that it helped when I brought back oatmeal AND a new wall. I’m grounded now, too.”
“Grounded? You make it sound like we did something wrong! Also, that wall clashes with our floor.”
“Guys! I’m sorry,” said Schnecco, “but we just don’t have enough room, and you two are the repeat color groups. I’ll rotate your hoards when I can, but this is how it is now.”
“We just moved, and already need a bigger house,” sighed Vasuki.

I didn’t want to think about how that probably would not happen in the short time we had here. I was supposed to be resting, but was too agitated for that, so I went for a walk instead. After leaving our woodland, I ambled toward the suburbs with the New Luck Bungalows, where I found bunny’s Bloomfer Sasuke just hanging out. Schnecco had some turns left in the special food lottery, so I gave it a go and managed to win a rare giant lollipop, which I gave to Sasuke in exchange for a bunch of food pellets. I felt a little better after spending some time with her, but now must face the reality that I will be stuck at home indefinitely, waiting and watching as the others get to venture out and bring back treasures. Or trash. Maybe if it’s mostly trash, Schnecco will think about letting me out again.
Schnecco's Signature

Last edited by Schnecco, Nov 7th, 2023 - 9:25 AM
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