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Apr 8th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Oct 29th, 2018 - 11:39 AM
Nr. 5 #1073 1
*Looks around* I don't mean to take over this thread! I was just inspired this weekend, and this is an awesome idea, Chicago. Depending on what happens, this may be my last post for a little while.

Inanna the Indigoat's Journal, Oct. 29, 2018:

It is a somewhat momentous occasion whenever Alasdair comes home. He is older and more skilled than all of us, so those of us that are home all flock around him each time to see what he brought. If they are useful items, he relishes the attention, but when they are kind of meh, he shrugs it off and seems a little embarrassed. Today was a combination of the two.
“I’ve got some pure liquid onyx, but we have no bearberries to use it for Fertilizer potion, and Very Pure mini banana seeds, but no free pots.”
“Maybe your white capsule has a new pot, or a floor,” Schnecco wondered as she took it from him. I really wasn’t that surprised when yet another small white plastic table popped out.
“Oh well, there is always next time.” Schnecco patted him. “You’ve earned your 17 hours of rest.”

“Hurry up and get to level 100 so I can go back out,” I prodded him. “Gone for a day and a half, and that’s all you brought back?”
“Hey, you’re forgetting my 41 Pixcoins! Do you have any idea how many goblins I had to fight and treasure chests I had to lockpick to get those?”
Vasuki chuckled and Itzal gave Alasdair a skeptical glance, but Riya’s eyes widened. “G-goblins?”
Alasdair tilted his head at her. “When did we get a Troffinch? Come to think of it, this is the second time I’ve come back to a new pet from an egg I didn’t find.”
“The price of certain eggs has gone down, and you’re never here anymore,” I replied. Turning to Riya, I assured her, “There are no goblins. Alasdair just likes to tell tales. I don’t believe half the things he says he and his friend Roe the Unicubb have done.”
“The treasure chests are real, though.” Alasdair held up a paw. “I broke a nail trying to open all of them.”
“I bet you just fell off another tree.”
“I’ll have you know, I’ve mastered the art of tree climbing by now!” he shot back. I had managed to ruffle him.

“Let Alasdair rest,” Schnecco chided. “I’m sure he’s tired after such a long excursion.” Schnecco says she does not have a favorite pet, but Alasdair is clearly her favorite. He is the oldest, after all, and since we share a color group, I hold him primarily responsible for my current situation, though I suppose I wouldn’t even be here if he hadn’t found my egg.

I plopped down on my favorite spot in the grass, only to look up as I felt a slight pressure on my back. Tilting my head around, I saw Riya perched there. “Do I look like a bed to you?”
“That depends,” she replied cautiously, “on your definition of a bed.”
Was she trying to be sassy, or just her young bumbling self? I let the comment slide. “I don’t think actual beds exist in this world yet. Alasdair’s been dreaming of finding one forever.”
She twitched at the Feliphene’s name. “Are you sure there are no goblins?”
“Yes. Well, I’ve never seen any while I’ve been hoarding, and I could confirm it if I was allowed to go out again.” My tone was probably harsher than I meant it.
“I-I’m sorry I took your spot.”
I blinked. What was I supposed to say? Riya settled herself deeper into my back. Of course Ramona would be on a hoard right now and unable to tend to the spooked Troffinch. Riya was obviously still wary of Alasdair, and I suppose my fur was softer than Vasuki or Itzal’s scales. Not that Itzal would tolerate this sort of thing.
I sighed and closed my eyes, drifting into sleep at some point, since despite everything, I did not want to move and disturb the Troffinch resting on my back.
Schnecco's Signature

Last edited by Schnecco, Nov 7th, 2023 - 9:27 AM
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