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Feb 21st, 2018
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5 Years ago
Nov 4th, 2018 - 6:38 AM
Nr. 9 #1095
Roe. Page 3.

...hey, journal. I evolved today. Not much else happened- Bunny was extremely antsy, pacing around the house and popping her head into the kitchen every three minutes, saying how excited I'd be. Of course, it's not like I couldn't tell what was up. Neither of us knew what I'd look like, though, and suffice to say, I'm impressed! My tail was already mighty long, but now I've got an impressive mane of light blue fur. And double-thrice the amount of horns! Next time I come across Alasdair, I'm sure he won't recognize me. (Speaking of, we recently got a Feliphene ourselves- a magenta lad. His name is Brolene, and he seems quite eager to live up to the big cats he's heard about.) Overall, today was a bit boring, but I'm very pleased. Now, I'll be off to test out my new strength. Though I'm sti the old Roe. Mostly, I can't wait to come back home and read what adventures everyone else had been on.
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