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May 30th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Feb 25th, 2019 - 9:12 PM
Nr. 12 #11017
I’m not a really great creative writer(aside from things relating to research), and am more of an artist. I’m currently working on a big webcomic project with a close friend of mine who is a good writer, so I can handle the art and part of the world building. It is very roughly based on fantasy roleplaying stories from our childhood adventures, and I suggested they could make an interesting story if we do it correctly. We scrapped almost everything except for a few themes and character concepts so we can rework it into something much more in depth that mature audiences can enjoy.
As of right now, it’s a fantasy adventure that takes place in an original world populated with all kinds of creatures with dragons at the focus. It has themes of tragedy, friendship, drama, wonder and a little bit of horror. Dragon society consists of many groups and sub factions with unique characteristics that define them. We have I think around eighty pages of everything from environments, mythology, factions, characters, creatures, etc. I can’t tell too much since we constantly change ideas and the plot details are still under construction. But we have multiple arcs planned and expect this webcomic to run a long time. It’s been in development for almost two years now and we don’t want to rush it, especially with our busier lives. Neither of us has done anything this big before but we are really excited about it, and can’t wait to see where it goes. If it is possible, we might try publishing it sometime in the next several years.

As for something more realistic, soon I’m going to write about the social and moral effects of artificial intelligence, which is pretty interesting.
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reject humanity. become a forest cryptid
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