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Feb 12th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Mar 13th, 2019 - 3:24 AM
Nr. 13 #12993
Quote by: @Jelly
Quote by: Mrinja
hunter-z majority of the pixel art are recolors, however, yes Belafu and AlphaLeo000 do have excellent PixPet evolution/species art, but you're one of the only users I know that has created items in addition (Velox Pixplush) of your animations.

Recolors still take a certain amount of skill for it to look nice, and not everyone who does art has uploaded to the gallery or has an art thread here either due to the fact that they don't do fanart, or simply because they don't want to. hunter-z has amazing talent, but as he said, he is not the only pixel artist this site has. I appreciate that he has a great attitude, and is willing to shout out for other artists. It's great to see other artists be supportive of each other!

Good luck to any members who apply, and I can't wait to see who joins the staff!

Could be some user with hidden talent lurking here waiting for the perfect opportunity! I still get the feeling it will be an active and well known user like most of the current staff. (Niko was really the only person that didn't fit this description as they joined right after becoming an artist though seeing how he shared the patreon money and this artist won't it seems pretty clear that they've known Komodo beforehand)

Needless to say, good luck everyone too! Please make inside carpets

@Komodo, is there a deadline for this?
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