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May 30th, 2019
Posts: 176
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4 Years ago
May 31st, 2019 - 3:50 PM
Nr. 1 #21018 6
Hello and welcome to my art thread! I take little commissions here for fun and to help me save for expensive houses or to fund my ridiculous bid wars! hah..

Anywho, below are the commissions I offer and the pricing.
I also want to note that these commissions are done in small resolutions and have less detail than my normal art style. I still put my full effort into these pieces, but this is a 'for fun' thing to help myself out in the game, and PC doesn't actually put real food on the table if you know what I mean.
If you are okay with small resolutions and limited choices, then by all means go ahead and ask to be on the pinglist! I look forward to working with you!
But if you'd like a full resolution image with no restrictions on what can be done, consider supporting my art by commissioning me off-site through my commission form or on my Art gallery Websites

I also find it very important not to build an overwhelming queue and get behind, for that reason I take only one commission at a time. It may seem slow and a bummer if you aren't able to get the spot, but I find it important to maintain professionalism where I guarantee the art is completed and my focus isn't spread throughout a giant list. Please check the last 5 posts in thread to see if the spot is open!
Or check the 'pixpet' tab in my queue!

With that being said, here is what I offer!

Taking Pixpet avatar commissions!

Info in spoiler!

Or Avatars like this:

Info in spoiler!

Also taking small pieces like this

Info in spoiler!

Now taking Signature Scenes!

Info in spoiler!

Coming soon: Pixel Fullbodies

Info in spoiler!

Evianrei's Signature

☆ Camping out in the Forums ☆
Last edited by Evianrei, May 25th, 2021 - 4:00 PM
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