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Dec 5th, 2017
Posts: 1145
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4 Years ago
Jul 10th, 2019 - 7:22 PM
Nr. 1 #23829 16
The Pixpet Inventory and all sub-pages received a major revamp! All functions have been redesigned and updated with the goal to make it easier to navigate and understand for new players as well as make it more consistent!


Each text that has a dotted underline contains a tooltip now. It is an overlay that pops up when you hover over it (or touch it on smartphone). It gives important information and help about the feature it is describing. It will especially help new players with getting the hang of the Pixpet mechanics! Tooltips will be integrated all over the page over time.

Pixpet Display

The Pixpet display has been adjusted to show new information. It now shows the Stage, Color Group Chances, Pixpet Number/Variation and a new Hatching Progress display for eggs. The level progress feature has been removed, because it was basically useless. The Pixpet placing options are now located above. Also, there are now a lot of tooltips integrated to explain the different values. Legendaries received a new Stage L to set them apart more from regular Pixpets.

Pixpet Options and Pixpet Hoard

All Pixpet related features have been split up into two pages: Pixpet Options and Pixpet Hoard. The appendix of egg options at the bottom of the inventory has been moved to the individual Pixpet options page. It hosts now everything from Egg Auctions, to Pixpet Renaming to Recoloring etc. It also shows better information about the features like the exact evobar needed for evolutions or the new probabilities for the color reroll (which was the source of confusion up until now). Tootips explain every option in more detail.

The hoard page is more consistent now and exclusive for all hoard related features only. It tells you exactly what you can and can not do and tells you why.

Improved Pixpet Placing

Pixpet placing has been improved! You can now Place/Replace/Remove Pixpets from the Hoard and Options page too! It also tells you how many Pixpets are placed in what rooms and grays out full rooms. If all rooms are full, the placing button will gray out.

Legendary Rerolls

Legendary Pixpets now require a Grade 100 Color Reroll Evobar to trigger a color reroll!


A bug has been fixed where Albino Noo-Longs would not find double as many coins on hoards despite their legendary status.

Last but not least: Country-Style Fireplace

The exclusive Country-Style Fireplace was commissioned by @wayvern and animated by @Mrinja. It can now be found on hoards and is available in the gray color group only. As expected, it is a very rare and heavy item.

It is also the very first animated house decoration! (If you can't see the animation please hard refresh this page in your browser). The fireplaces are only 2x1 tiles in size so they can be placed onto a wall. You can even place other items/pixpets on top of it!

If you want to make a gift to the Pixpet Community yourself, you can commission your own items trough our Item Commission Feature!

That was quite a bit of updates for today!

Happy Playing!
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