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Dec 5th, 2017
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6 Years ago
Mar 6th, 2018 - 8:48 PM
Nr. 1 #313
Pixpet will feature two "gardening" systems. One where you care for plants in containers (like a plant pot) and one where you care for pumpkins in your actual garden. This news is about the plant container system.

Plants can give you valuable resources to brew potions, which in return help your Pixpets find new items on their hoards. Especially if the plants have a high grade! The higher the grade, the better your potions will become!

In order to plant seeds, you first need a plant container. It can be obtained on the item market or be found by a pixpet on one of its hoards. Once you placed an empty plant container around your house, a plant slot appears.

Now you are able to fertilize your slot and plant some seeds. There will be (as planned for now) 4 fertilizers available coming in 2 different strengths:

  • Growth Fertilizer: Increases plant growth by 5% or 10%

  • Grade Fertilizer: Increases plant grade by 10% or 20%

  • Reduce Watering Interval: 25% or 50% less watering

  • Double/Tripple Harvest: For the first 3 harvests

Fertilizers can be found by pixpets or obtained on the market and are not cumulative, so choose wisely! Water your plant carefully and don't let it dry out or the plants grade will sink to 0 and it will ultimately die. Once the plant reaches its full grown stage, you can harvest it and it will regrow again over time!

There will be many different kinds of plant containers for decoration purposes. So they will not only decorate your home but also serve as valuable resource for your pixpets!

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