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Jan 15th, 2018
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4 Years ago
Jan 4th, 2020 - 10:14 PM
Nr. 1 #33422 12
Hello everyone! It's 2020 for a few days now, the old decade is over, a new one has started. Back in 2010, many of you may know this, DragonAdopters was a thing.
It was a great time back thnn!
Now, going back to the present, we have 2020, and after a long wait, a replacement for DragonAdopters! With seing stuff about a 10 year challenges over the past few weeks, I have to say, @Komodo's is my favourite so far!
So a huge thank you from me for these awesome 2 projects, DragonAdopters back then 10 years ago and now PixPet, that brightens up our lives! I hope you will continue your work and bring us something awesome with the planned PixPet Adventure!

And with the new year, and new decade, there is also a relatively small announcement following: Our new forum moderators that will help us out.
Some of you may have noticed it already who they are but it's slowly getting time to make if official!

Our new forum moderators are:
@Kookaburra and

Thanks to everyone who applied and I am looking forward to work together with both of you in the future!
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