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4 Years ago
Jan 14th, 2020 - 10:24 AM
Nr. 5 #33669
Quote by: @Lorienee
Quote by: @hunter-z
Awesome update! But what happens if a user commissions a still image, but the artists decides that it would look better animated? Prior to this update, the animations were an artist's touch, but I suppose from now on they're going to have to talk it through with the commissioner?

yeah the artist will suggest it to the commissioner and the commissioner can decide from there if they even want the item animated or not; if they do, they can either go the extra mile to re-submit their commission with the animation request which will guarantee that the item will be animated, or leave it up to the artist whether they actually want to do the extra work or not.

Technically it's always been this way, just minus the re-submitting part. Surprise animation is usually welcomed but artists are still expected to make sure it aligns with the commissioner's wishes. We wouldn't want to end up disappointing anyone :D
Surprise animations? Saves an extra 100 tickets
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