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Jan 11th, 2019
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4 Years ago
Jan 17th, 2020 - 8:57 PM
Nr. 12 #33804
Really happy about the inventory space update and the room-clearing button seems really usefull.
As far as the market changes go: I was never against the usershop search function and I'm sure it will be fine^^ I would just suggest to add a tax now that it will be used primarily.
I do think the changes to the auctions on top of the usershop search are a step back though. The majority of people who were upset because of the auctions would have been fine if they would have had the alternative of usershop search. They are not going to use the auctions much now either. However for those of us who liked the auctions this means we have less flexibility and it also means less to do on this site. I could be wrong but I feel like the auctions have been gutted by this update and less people are going to use them rather than more...

Just in general I think you maybe could have saved yourself some work, if you had implemented the usershop search first and waited for a while. You might have found that the complains about the auctions would have greatly diminished or changed.^^
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