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Apr 10th, 2018
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6 Years ago
Apr 11th, 2018 - 12:33 AM
Nr. 11 #357
Looks like there's a few on the main page.

Under "The Game":
Decorate your realm to your hearts content with precious decorative objects or focus on gathering as many different and rare Pixpets as possible! The goal of the game is to expand your own realm so that you have enough room to give your pets a cozy home.

In order to expand your home, you have to send your Pixpets on hoards to gather new Pixpets eggs and objects which hat can be sold on the market. Grow plants and pumpkins in your garden and brew potions which you can give to your pets to increase hoard success.

Hearts is missing an apostrophe, and the second paragraph is wearing an unnecessary hat.

And under "Pixpets":
Satisfy your Pixpets needs and give them potions to increase the success of their hoards.

Another missing apostrophe here.
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