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Dec 5th, 2017
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4 Years ago
Apr 16th, 2020 - 11:22 PM
Nr. 8 #35882 4
Quote by: @Christovski
How in the world can anyone feed 23 pixpets with only 6 pumpkin slots? I don't understand why bigger houses have so few pumpkin slots, after the Mansion the number of pumpkin slots *decreases* with each bigger house, I mean, there's no "instant pumpkin grow" Super Potion, so that's 6-24 pumpkins a day depending on RNG and fertilizer...

7 times the cost of a mansion for twice the pet slots...but LESS pumpkin slots making it less possible to hoard with pets at all.
Something's not right here.

Like it's a great looking house, and the extra rooms idea is really smart. Well done to everyone who worked on it.

I'm just talking gameplay mechanics, I just don't understand why every house after Riverside Mansion has such tiny yards and barely any pumpkin slots, you can't feed 10 pets with that few slots nevermind 23! It's just like "here's a new thing but it's only for looks and has no useful function at all, and costs 7 times the last functionally logical house"

I understand your concerns and of course I see that the cost of the house is not proportionate. This high tier house is not meant as a stat scale up of the other houses, it is primary meant as money sink and endgame content with a certain element of "redundantnes" to it as many giant mansions in the real world actually are.

Managing 23 pets at once is something that would keep you busy all day. Also if the number of plant and pumpkins slots were scaled up directly you would hit other limiting factors soon like brewing times.

The house is primarily meant as prestigious object to own, as option to show off your Pixpets and have many rooms to decorate while not giving high end players even more advantages over the slightly less active Players. The capped plant and pumpkin slots act as intentional limiting factors.
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