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Jan 25th, 2019
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4 Years ago
May 16th, 2020 - 5:55 PM
Nr. 11 #36414
Honestly I prefer one of the older ones where they had the literal image listed out so people won't be reading text and instead they recgonise it by the image. And it would definitely help if it was horizontal instead of vertical. When I first went on the sheet I saw the first part and I was like, oh that's it. And it is super hard to see the words (because it's sideways). If the whole chart was transposed to horizontal, you could put the Pixpet and colour and wu to the left, then everything else with the decoration can go to the right.

In the first all 16 colours part the whole part looks very crowded, and some of the words would go 'overboard' like it goes into another line, which belongs to another pixpet. Like here:
Which makes it look slightly confusing. I think you could either make the strips of gray bigger to be able to fit the name, or maybe another way would be to make it so that even when you scroll down, you can still see the pixpet names on top.

And you could also explain what the coloured words or highlighted items mean, not everyone knows that like EG. This item is a commissioned item, this item is seasonal and it can only be found during when when when. A key would help. (Idk if that is there but I don't see it) And also mind cutting off all the blank rows below? XD The chart kind of looks unfinished because of that lol.

I hope that helped, have a nice day!

Here is the old sheets and how its set out
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Last edited by icearashi, May 16th, 2020 - 6:00 PM
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