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Aug 19th, 2019
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3 Years ago
Oct 19th, 2020 - 8:54 PM
Nr. 6 #37701 2
Quote by: @/Zparklex
I've only been here a few days and I feel like I've already hit a wall. I don't feel like there much to do and the goals mentioned here feel grindy. But maybe it'll get better for me.

oh don't mind me passing by this old thread randomly lol, I thought I'd just leave a small comment on this as well haha

It's a pretty common thing yeah that being a newbie on here in the game's current state feels grindy and very slow-moving. I managed to avoid that personally by doing a few art commissions to get into a new house faster but I can totally get that the average new player trying to get a new house solely by hoarding would get bored quick from the wait...

Luckily unless you're on mobile, the roodoku minigame is now a thing and I totally recommend trying it out if you want faster pixcoin. You have the option of using a sudoku solver to help you, some consider it cheating I think but it's not like, actually against the rules

and yeah once you're in a bigger house (renovated farmhouse is a good one to aim for initially) that allows for more pets, pumpkins and plants, setting deco and pixdex goals should no longer feel like a total grind :D

well that and once pixpet adventure comes out, it'll give players more to do while waiting for pets to return from hoarding. but right now that's still quite deep in development from what I know
Last edited by Lorienee, Oct 20th, 2020 - 2:32 AM
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