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2 Years ago
Sep 11th, 2021 - 9:46 PM
Nr. 28 #40873 2
Quote by: @HipsterFilter
I'm not even sure physical merch would be any better than an NFT environmentally. You'd have to use resources to ship the items for one thing.

While I'm 100% behind protecting the environment and holding people accountable for their actions, there's a point where I think our standards and expectations become a little bit unrealistic. Every store we shop at, everything they sell was shipped to them on carbon-spewing semi trucks, boats, and/or planes (with rare exceptions of electric vehicles). By buying anything at all, we're perpetuating that process. Human society in general damages the environment. If we wanted it to stop, the global economy would need to come to a standstill.

I'm not saying it's acceptable, because it's not -- and there's definitely some due diligence for creators and influencers to do before selling merch, like selecting shipping materials or even the type of merch. But I just can't see someone as a monster for selling things like T-shirts and stickers to their fans. There are only so many ways that independent content creators can make money and survive. I would rather focus on corporations which do the most damage.

Admittedly this is a moot point, since Komodo doesn't want to sell physical merch anyway, but I felt the need to reply since it concerns a lot of creators and their livelihoods.

TL;DR I absolutely agree with your feeling, but the issue is more complicated xwx;
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Last edited by BK47, Sep 13th, 2021 - 11:31 AM
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