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Feb 2nd, 2019
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2 Years ago
Oct 15th, 2021 - 1:49 AM
Nr. 6 #41399 1
At the very least, I'm like 90% sure we can rule out this being a holiday thing, the shluppbun entries in the vivid pixdex don't have an indicator that says "easter pixpet" like the shluppbuns in the regular pixdex

And I am hesitant to say it'd be a seasonal thing, when adventure was launched, there was no indication the draooks wouldn't be findable after fall's over, although their vivid pixdex entry suggests that's when they're more likely to spawn (viv dex entry in the spoiler below)

Also, if vivid draooks and crocus shluppbuns ARE seasonal, I feel like Komodo wouldve said something when adventure launched, and wouldn't have added an entry for the crocus shluppbun til spring. And if draooks were seasonal, I feel like he might have said crocus shluppbuns were like the draooks, and not phrased it like theyre configured differently, that implies something special to me but maybe im overthinking stuff

(btw sorry if all this has been pointed out in the discord already, I like using forums better cos it makes this stuff easier to track and find lmao)

I am trying to think if maybe the moonstone you get from fighting the glitched nurbun could have something to do with summoning an encounter? That'd certainly be unique in the game so far, I think my next move will be messing around with that

UPDATE I have tried the things that immediately came to mind to try with the lunar stone, here are the results:
  • Using the stone while fighting the shluppbun encounter in gloom glen village square: didn't give me the option to use it from my inventory, nor did the stone even appear on the use item or turn into egg battle screens

  • Using the stone on a shluppbun encounter at the barrow woods forest edge: same results as fighting the one in gloom glen village square

  • Trying to give the stone/talk to the shluppbun in the homely hamlet mayor's house: no dialogue options present on either screens, nor does 'use item' do anything (block ID's: 416 & 419)

  • Trying to combine the stone and the shluppbun egg in my adventure inventory: no option present, nothing has changed when clicking use for the stone while egg in inventory

  • Clicking 'utilise' on the stone at various locations and various times: gloom glen village square yields no results in morning, day, evening, night or glitch hour, nor does the mana falls, nor the homely hamlet village square, nor the barrow woods forest edge. Had the bright idea to try starflower meadow and the pixpet gardens too since normal crocus shluppbuns are normal shluppbuns that ate enough flower petals to change into a new species, and same, no results

  • Tried resting for a couple days in the pixpet city gardens with shluppbun egg and lunar stone in inventory: no change to stone or egg

  • I have exhausted my ideas so far :c I am open to more suggestions on things to try!
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    Last edited by Overcast, Jan 6th, 2022 - 5:54 PM
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