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Feb 21st, 2018
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5 Years ago
Jan 5th, 2019 - 10:02 PM
Nr. 17 #4244
ring a ding, double post coming through! xD
Roe. Page 5.

It's been quiet around here. Rossalin and Igumetal's feud sort of burned out into a... deep, emanating hatred through the house, and Vermicelli has to take to tip-toeing around the angry lizard in his yard to tend to the plants. Meanwhile, Bunny bought some more books for me, so I've just been reading them... yeah, a quiet time.

Bunny hasn't been paying much time to us anyway, mostly sending Rossalin out for hoards and barely looking at the scarce results (mind, she is a small bird, so she can't carry back much.) Well, now Igumetal's out...

I've also noticed everyone's satisfaction gets higher when they're in my room. Which is fine, I guess, but a certain little bird can't help but try to read whatever I'm reading. Good thing is, she doesn't know a lot of words. It's actually... not been bad, trying to teach her.

Slow times, around here. I don't mind it.
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Last edited by bunny, Jan 6th, 2019 - 5:33 AM
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