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Sep 26th, 2018
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2 Years ago
Mar 15th, 2022 - 5:34 PM
Nr. 1 #44113 1
Design a Decorative Item Set


The Rules are fairly straight forward.

- Design A Set of Decorative Items. (minimum 3 items in set.)
Eg. at least 3 items in a theme (like a teaset table, tea, cookies etc.)
Eg. items in a similar material as a set (minimum 3 items)
Eg. items in a set of colours (this one would really have to stand out as we're looking more at the top 2 criteria.)

Please submit your designs here in this thread. Come up with a design for your dream decorations, go nuts and most of all HAVE FUN.

You do not need to be good at art, just have fun expressing yourself and your idea.
You do not need to pixelate your designs as this is merely conceptual.
Do describe your idea clearly if you're unable to draw it out to give us a better idea of what you're trying to convey. Try simple doodles.

-Anyone can participate (except judges)
-No entering traced or stolen art
-All art must be created by yourself, no using F2U or P2U bases
-Entries will be vetted for plagiarism during judging phase, will be disqualified if found to be doing so.
-No use of downloaded textures or clipart
-You may submit more than 1 design, but will only be awarded for 1 if you win.
-Scoring is not weighted on how well you draw, your ideas is where it's at.
-Disclaimer: Please be aware that by entering the contest that the final product is property of pixpet.net. You will however be credited for your creation should you win.
-Please note that while you can participate in both contests, you will not win twice so as to give other players a chance at obtaining a patch as well.

Entries submitted to the wrong place will not be valid.
Late entries wil not be entertained.

Submission End Date (we're making sure you have the weekend this time)
17th April 2022, 11:59PM, EST (UTC-5)
24th April 2022, 11:59PM, EST (UTC-5)

Judging Period will be inhouse amongst staff for about a week at most.
Winners will be announced in news & contacted privately as well to arrange for shipping.

Prizes are as follows (All winners will receive a badge)
Winner : Patch + 150 PPT + 15,000 PC (value $30), Items will be redrawn by site artist and become an official design.
Runner Up : Patch + 70 PPT + 5,000 PC (value $20)
3rd Place: Patch + 30 PPT + 2,500PC (value $15)
Last edited by Cherche, Apr 16th, 2022 - 6:59 PM
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