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Oct 12th, 2021
Posts: 49
Pixpets: 1
Pixdex: 84
1 Year ago
Jan 13th, 2023 - 8:08 AM
Nr. 1 #45652 6
Because I am a Fool, I decided to create a living colordex, similar to the concept of a living dex in Pokemon. For anyone who isn't familiar with the concept, the Living Colordex will be a listing of ALL Pixpets, with one pet of each color. The list will NOT currently include Vivids (Haven't lost my mind quite that much. Yet).

WARNING: This list may contain any newly-released pets and their listed colors, depending on how long it takes me to get the new pets.

Also, don't be surprised if you see these names change. I tend to just use a name generator at first because I'm bad at naming things on the spot.

1 - Drax

2 - Altudrax

3 - Canisqua

4 - Luputrix

5 - Unicubb

5C - Duskubb
Blue Rose

6 - Ursufuzz

7 - Troffinch

8 - Parrogrine
Red Orange

9 - Feliphene

10 - Kyagrowl
Black Blue

11 - Bloomfer

12 - Mobath

12C - Gorbath

13 - Tuxo

14 - Antabir

15 - Sunobra

15C - Nightshade Sunobra

16 - Veemooth

17 - Bovitaur

18 - Rootax

19 - Fluffpaxa

20 - Velibolt

21 - Velox

22 - Velirex

23 - Indigoat

24 - Sealott

25 - Igupunk

26 - Iguzzle
Purple Aqua

27 - Iguroar

28 - Sawrotag

29 - Pentadile

30 - Pydeer

31 - Owluck

32 - Royowl
Yellow Cyan

33 - Ponyata

34 - Pangox

35 - Armospike
Indigo Red

36 - Doeliath

37 - Pandstar

38 - Shluppbun

38C - Crocus Shluppbun

39 - Girafira

40 - Taffyglider

41 - Imprex
Yellow Lime

42 - Shileo

43 - Shiboro

44 - Shiroking
White Lime

45 - Krash

46 - Colocrow

46C - Albino Colocrow

47 - Grumpuin

48 - Pomprock
Green Black Blue Yellow

49 - Mossatrice
Brown Yellow

50- Nurbun
White Magenta

50C - Crocus Nurbun
Purple Lime

51 - Gonk

52 - Bullture
White Rose

53 - Velidot

54 - Draook
Brown Green

55 - Techtagon

56 - Veplurex

57 - Ribbox

58 - Draconeer
Black Purple Indigo

59 - Kinflame

60 - Saurospud

61 - Dracoforge

62 - Cappukin

63 - Kinferno
Black Purple Magenta Blue

64 - Cabywara

65 - Oecko

L01 - Finngriff
Magenta Yellow

L02 - Noo-Long
White Rose

L02C - Albino Noo-Long

L03 - Xeldron

L03C - Albino Xeldron

L04 - Snowko

L05 - Kaleidophin
White Neutral

L06 - Vinteralgk
Blue White

Need Color Rerolls/Evobars
Last edited by TheSilverSword, Oct 30th, 2023 - 8:12 PM
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