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Aug 29th, 2024
Posts: 20
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2 Months ago
Nov 21st, 2024 - 9:13 AM
Nr. 1 #46990 2
Recently I’ve opened a bunch of various capsules gained from pixpets and got a really boring outcomes – simple pots, plastic tables, you all know what you’re usually getting. Selling them straight away doesn’t give you any of substantial amount of money but takes some time and, well, just boring.

The very similar mechanics was used in games with lootboxes – small percentage of getting something rare, trash in most cases – and some time after, the devs was overwhelmed with complains from users, like “I’ve farmed XXXX of boxes for weeks and still got nothing cool” etc. So the grace system was born, when after opening some quantity (sometimes crazy amounts) of boxes you have 100% chance of getting something really good.

But I’m not offering that kind of mechanics to put in game right in this shape, as it is still boring, just with a dim light in the end of the tunnel.

Those who filled their -dexes and bought that last and biggest house, the early birds, so to say, now having too little things to do. If they didn’t left the game yet, they can afford themselves to buy nearly anything, taking some self-imposed challenges or coming to check the game as a habit. That is always a problem of endgame.

Those who're just starting is always under the pressure of other's buying capabilities, anything rare being bought out by "fat cats" (no offense), 'cause in the endgame there's no money sink and wealth just keeps on growing.

So what this all about, huh.

I'm offering to put in game one particular pixpet, which I'd call... The Utilizard! AI-generated pic below, not quite what I had in mind (I though more about mix of Tick-Tock the Crocodile and Jabba the Hutt) but good nuff.

It's a 2x2 large pixpet, that eats... well, whatever deco/pots you feed to him. His egg could be found in hoards, colorless, untradeable and only once per account. Must be placed strictly in basement.
Every item that he ate adds some score to the pool, depending on rarity (v.common 0.5, common 1, normal 2, etc.). When the score becomes more or equal to 100, you have 2 choices - either get a Silver Capsule (which contains exactly one rare+ item of any color) or grow Utilizard by one level (which gives a +1% chance of doubled Capsules for every level, requires 100*lvl pixcoins and raises a score required to next level by 5, so it's 595 points and 9900 pixcoins for level 99->100 upgrade; numbers are just for example). After reaching level 100, he could evolve to Greater Utilizard, changing his shape to fatter (just once) and color (every level), dropping his level to 1 and adding 1% chance of Golden Capsule with even rarer containment. And the cycle begins again.

It'd give kinda "grace system" to the game. It'd solve low-quality drops frustration. It'd keep market buzzing, when even low-end stuff could be used for Utilizard. It'd add a money sink. It'd add a "holy grail(s)", if some of the best items would be accessible only from Silver/Golden capsule. It'd become an another pixpet that might be recognizable/iconic = merch. It'd add an another scoreboard (The Fattest Utilizard).
That's pretty much it. Sorry if it sounds silly or plain undoable.
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