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Dec 25th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Jan 18th, 2019 - 7:55 AM
Nr. 18 #6155
I only have pictures of my puppers, but they're absolutely adorable little things (and honestly the turtle tank needs some scrubbing down if I want pictures of those dorks)!

First off is the runt of the litter, who loves attention and should honestly be dyed green with envy for everything she doesn't get. Somehow she's 25 lbs of alpha doggo and manages to bully her sister (who's going on 40 lbs so come on). She likes making me think someone's knocking on my door to bust in and steal my heated blanket. She'd do the same to everyone else if they closed their doors. Ignore the sister in the background of the second photo, as she's up next.

Her sister Zoey is a little clumsy. She's all legs, has a long neck, and likes to throw some sass my way when I can't tell if she's begging for treats or asking to go outside. She'll talk back if she doesn't get her way, and she comes to tell on her little sister bullying her all the time. She can walk over the little runt and is still intimidated by her. She also likes sitting like a human (to the best of her ability), and while she likes hugging arms, she hates having her paw held back.

They're both little scaredy-cats, jump at shadows, hate anybody they don't know, and even manage to wake each other up when one of them starts snoring. I'm surprised I get any sleep here, but they're family and they know it. Just don't let them trick you. They once had my family convinced they hadn't had a single treat that day (we give them three since they're small treats for medium puppers). Between the four of us, they got 12 treats each. They're smart little floofs. We always have to ask each other if we gave them a treat that day because of it. Clever girls.
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