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Jan 13th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Jan 19th, 2019 - 7:42 AM
Nr. 20 #6261

Thanks, she’d appreciate the compliment XD

I recommend getting a hand raised adult parrot. They’re more used to and friendlier to ppl. Chicks require constant attention for the first 2 months of their lives. Cuddly young parrots might end up becoming more aggressive when puberty hits.(mine did haha)

Definitely harness train them, and get them used to being held. You’re gonna need it for clipping their nails.
Variety in their diet is recommended. Mostly for their health, but also to keep them interested. (Whether they actually eat it or throw it on the floor depends on the bird) I always put mineral blocks and cuttlebones in there for her to chew, keeps her beak trimmed.

If you wing clip, make sure it’s absolutely necessary and that they’re still able to slow down if they end up falling. Flying is great for exercising, making them flap their wings works too.

Males are LOUD but they sing nicely, females are much quieter. Complications might happen from egg laying tho, and you’ll have to go to the vet.

The MOST IMPORTANT THING is to get your bird banded!!!! And chipped!!!

Sorry if it’s long, feel free to pm me if you do get a tiel and have questions~
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