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Apr 26th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Jan 24th, 2019 - 12:42 AM
Nr. 19 #6965 1
(I might no be the best at writing, but here we go i guess XD)

Character Name: Takeru
Age: 3 years
Gender: male
Sexuality: Asexual (not really but i have no idea how romance works so yea, i better avoid it for now XD. Might change my mind later tho.)

Species: Canisqua (will probably evolve sometime soon tho)
Personality: Takeru is generally very friendly towards others, even tho he can be quite shy at first. He has a tendency to get very excited about certain things he likes. Occasionally, Takeru lacks confidence in himself. While he usually is very nice, once stressed enough he might become aggressive and lash out on people.

Backstory: When Takeru was very young he got taken away from his owners and family, and forced to participate in illegal pit fights. Losing meant electrocution, and no food for the rest of the day. This understandably caused him plenty of trauma which he still need to deal with to this day. His nightmares are a constant reminder of the event. After six months of hell, the authorities finally found out about the arena and shut the businesses down, which led to all the captured pixpets being set free.
Sadly hell was not over for him yet, as it turned out that his parents had died while trying to find him, leaving just him and his old owners. The loss of his family hit him hard and as a result he fell into deep depression, shutting himself away from the rest of the world.
He just recently managed to break the downward spiral thanks to the help of a very special Sunobra called Flame, who lost his home. They quickly became close friends and Takeru promised himself that he would help flame no matter what. In an attempt to figure out what happened to Flame's home, both of them traveled far and wide. However wherever they went, it was always a dead end. With very few leads left Takeru decided to brave the Izzet Jungle. He knew it meant going without his companion, as Flame would not be strong enough. Takeru will be strong for both of them, or at lest attempt to be.

Appearance: Takeru's angular fur has a pale white color to it, while the rest of hes fur has a red color similar to that of a Luputrix. He also wears a red scarf around his neck at all times to cover up the scar left by the shock collar worn during his time in the arena. His eyes are light blue.

Other: Takeru is quite superstitious, and such believes wholeheartedly in ghosts and other supernatural things. He has quite a fear of ghosts.
While he is good at fighting and physical activities, he is pretty bad at a lot of other things.
Takeru is short-sighted and has problem seeing things far away for him. (poor guy needs glasses XD)

(Annnnnnnnnd there we go. I ended up shortening the backstory quite a bit as i thought it was long enough already. I have to many ideas in my head.
Also one last thing, I got dyslexia, so writing is not my strong suit. I wish it was tho, there are so many things spiraling around in my head that i would love to try and write.)
cynderplayer's Signature
Last edited by cynderplayer, Jan 30th, 2019 - 1:07 AM
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