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Apr 8th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Feb 2nd, 2019 - 8:30 PM
Nr. 41 #7994 1
Inanna the Indigoat’s Journal, Page 3
February 2, 2019

I have been waiting for this moment literally forever. You might say Alasdair and Vasuki have been doing all the hard work going out on hoards, but I’ve been here helping to take care of the house and garden so they wouldn’t have to worry about it. I’ve also been running our shop and learning my way around the marketplace to sell the things that they brought back. Honestly, though, my plants usually sold better than any of their useless trinkets. After several weeks of this, we could finally afford a gorgeous new house!

Then began the process of packing everything up and moving, which actually wasn’t that bad since we couldn’t fit much in the starter hut anyway. It was more difficult trying to rearrange our meager belongings in the larger house, and everything looks rather hideous right now. After all that work, though, I thought I would finally get my rightful slot and help us find some better decorations, but then our monthly delivery arrived. Among it was an Antabir egg, bring our egg total up to five. So Schnecco decided to place all our eggs first before letting me have my spot with Alasdair and Vasuki. Now I am really wishing that Alasdair didn't bring back that Pydeer egg the other day. He was so excited about finding it in the deep woods without any potions now that he is a mighty Kyagrowl, but that egg is in my space. Well, that one or the Antabir egg.

None of us can actually go anywhere right now anyway since we are almost out of food, but still, I worked so hard for this, and I remain shut out! Alasdair and Vasuki are holding a housewarming party of sorts, so maybe enough people will come and help the eggs hatch so one of them can hurry up and get out of my way.

There is technically no PixPet slot in the basement, but for now, that is where I live...

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Last edited by Schnecco, Nov 8th, 2021 - 2:01 AM
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