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Feb 21st, 2018
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5 Years ago
Feb 4th, 2019 - 4:15 AM
Nr. 3 #8198
Name: Wolfos
Category: Pixel art, like the first three examples you showed for that section
Payment: the price you have listed for that is 200 PC so that's my offer, but I'm willing to negotiate if you'd want more!
Subject: character ref
i'd like the image to be of this character walking in a snowy, slightly dark forest, during the early hours of morning {that time of day when the sky is a dark blue and the sun hasnt quite truely begun to rise yet}. maybe the sky can sort of be seen through gaps in the trees?
i can give a few details if accepted but i don't want to write too much yet just in case! and also cause i'm about to go to sleep and i just happened to spot this before going to bed lol

asides from my form i also can't help but ask out of curiosity, what program do you use for your pixel art? is it just photoshop/sai/something of that sort or is it a program for pixel art?
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