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Jan 9th, 2019
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5 Years ago
Feb 6th, 2019 - 5:52 PM
Nr. 3 #8506
I'll start by saving I super support the tutorial being less text heavy and having less pages to it. I think it makes it look much less intimidating than before! Here are some of my suggestions for what should be added/changed/moved -

  • On the "Pixpets" tab I think it should be more heavily emphasized that a pets colour determines what colour of potion they can use on a hoard. I see a lot of users make this mistake. It's mentioned at the bottom but I think that can be easily missed. I suggest moving it to the third paragraph on the page and adding some bold text to make it catch the eye more.

  • I think it should also be mentioned that just because your Purple Troffinch brings you an egg doesn't mean that the pet that hatches will also be Purple. I see this mix up a lot too.

  • The Item Averager/Seed Combiner should have a page or be mentioned. In particular the ability to combine seeds really needs to be mentioned due to the newbie starter pack including 4-5 lower grade seeds (which can be combined to make 1 100G seed, with maybe a few left over). I think a lot of new players don't notice this and will plant lower grade seeds, and in particular with plants have to destroy the plant when they realize their mistake. Same thing with averaging items. I think a lot of people will go into cooking and think that they need to find someone selling multiples of the same grade in order to use them in a recipe, rather than just averaging the items together.

  • Cooking page should reiterate that a potion's colour determines what kind of pet can use it.

  • "Potions with a grade of 0 are (mostly) useless." I know this was in the original tutorial but I think it's somewhat misleading? I can't think of what use 0 grade potions have except for decorative reasons, and unless there is something planned for 0 grade potions, I think it should be kept as non vague as possible. Especially as this may lead newbies into shilling out for Potions of Failure, thinking that they are used for something.

  • Somewhere in the tutorial I think it should explain what interacting with eggs vs pets (aka the lotto) does. In one section it does talk about getting food pellets from interacting with pets, but that's it. I see a lot of people complaining that they are running out of food/pumpkin seeds, and not knowing that interacting with eggs always gets you pumpkin seeds.

  • Mention that a pet's SLVL is only determined by the 20 most rare items in a room. I didn't realize this was the limit until it was mentioned on a bug topic. :P

  • Cultivation tab maybe mention that pumpkins can be harvested in three stages. Blooming, Sprouting, Grown.

EDIT - I just realized that either I'm blind or seed combiner was added after I mentioned it in discord, if I'm blind I'm dumb sorry! ;_;
Valtien's Signature
I go by Valtien or Weisk!toyhouse | Weisk#1530
Last edited by Valtien, Feb 6th, 2019 - 5:56 PM
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