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Jan 9th, 2019
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5 Years ago
Feb 12th, 2019 - 5:06 PM
Nr. 291 #9274 5
Inventory space has been mentioned a lot and I want to reiterate that I think it's important that we get a way to expand it.

I'm (hopefully) going to be buying my next house soon and realized that I don't have enough inventory space to put all my currently placed decorations/items BACK into my inventory when I want to move. I combined a bunch of seeds, averaged/deleted some low grade items, and even then I'm just barely hanging on the edge of having enough room.

I like to collect wall/ground skins to swap out/whatever... But with this very limited inventory space it doesn't seem like it's very possible. ):

I get that the attic and basements in the larger houses are meant to be storage, but you can't place a stack of items in one square. So it doesn't do one good if you have a stack of 5 Calcium (for example), because you'd have to place all 5 of them in order to free up ONE inventory slot. I get that you could place a bunch of 1 stack items, but a lot of the 1 stack items I have are things that will get used in cooking, and having to remove a bunch of stuff from my house just to use it seems like it would get annoying.

The game really needs hard inventory upgrades, or a safety deposit box/storage, or an item gallery with unlimited/high capacity so we can throw all our junk/collectables somewhere. I think this will grow as a problem as the site grows, as older players find themselves with a bunch of furniture, general items, and new items yet to be released.
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I go by Valtien or Weisk!toyhouse | Weisk#1530
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