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BBCode (3 Posts and 350 Views)

Jan 3rd, 2019
Posts: 480
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5 Years ago
Mar 22nd, 2019 - 12:47 AM
Nr. 1 #14055 18
The BBCode Guide

Since it's been highly requested... I went ahead and made a visual guide of all the known BBCode for anyone who may be looking for something like this!

Most of the BBCode is universal to all sites that use BBCode, but there are some bits of code used here that may not be available elsewhere. That particular code will be sectioned off accordingly.

Of course, if the site's code is updated, I will do my best to keep this guide up to date. If you see a mistake, or believe certain code isn't working, please feel free to ping me so I can update and leave notes. Hopefully I am as thorough as can be!

➤ The Basics

[b]insert text here[/b]

[i]insert text here[/i]

[u]insert text here[/u]

[s]insert text here[/s]

» Text Effects

You can alter font size.
Size 10 appears to be the smallest font.
Size 99 is the largest font, but this example is Size 20 because Size 99 is simply too big.
[size=INSERT SIZE # HERE]insert text here[/size]

You can also hyperlink text! (My profile is the hyperlink example.)
[url=INSERT LINK HERE]insert text here[/url]

Ensure that you close the text you want to be "clickable" with the [url] tags. Unlike HTML, you will not need to enclose the links in quotes!

» Colors

Red, as red can be.
Blue, as blue can be.
[color=INSERT HEX CODE HERE]insert text here[/color]

You do not need to include the # for this to work! In fact, I believe is breaks the code.

Additionally, you can also make text transparent:
___ex. you can highlight over this! (Highlight over to see.)
I find this very useful for spacing for when I wish to format things a specific way!
[transparent]insert text here[/transparent]

» Text Alignments

This is left-aligned text, which also happens to be the default alignment. I'm not sure when this would be useful, but it is there in case anyone happens to find a use for it!

[left]insert text here[/left]

This is center-aligned text! This is real snazzy.

[center]insert text here[/center]

And finally, this is right-aligned text! One of my favorites.

[right]insert text here[/right]

» Image Codes

[img]insert direct link to image here[/img]

Keep in mind you WILL need to upload an image to a hosting website that can provide a DIRECT LINK to your image in order to use this code! An image hosting site I can recommend is Imgur.

[imge]insert direct link to image here[/imge]

This nifty code is perfect for any large images you might need to upload. Simply click the image to view the original size! One of the reasons this is super useful is simply because the original [img] tags will resize your large image and possibly make the detail difficult to see.

➤ A Little More Advanced


This nifty thing is a visual linebreak. Really great for sectioning things off!

    This is a list container.
    - I'm not entirely sure how it qualifies as a "container", but I suppose you can add in your own little symbols for making a list.
    ✿ To be entirely honest, I find this more useful for indenting, if you would ever like to indent!

[ul]insert text here[/ul]

This is the list.
  • list example 1

  • list example 2

  • list example 3

  • [li]insert text here[/li]
    [li]insert text here[/li]

    Keep in mind that the list tags will only work for one line. You will need to open up new tags for a new bulletin point. You can pair this with the list container for the indentation, like so:

    • list item 1!

    • list item 2!

    [ul][li]insert text here[/li]
    [li]insert text here[/li][/ul]

    This is a quote without the use of the name function!

    [quote]insert text here[/quote]

    Quote by: @Jelly

    [quote]Quote by: [b]@USER / TEXT HERE[/b][hr][/quote]

    This is the type of quote you'll see when you "quote" someone on the forums. There's not a big difference in the actual tags, but I will show you the code so you can see the difference!

    [spoiler]insert text here[/spoiler]

    This is used to show off code, which is basically what I've been using all throughout the guide!

    [code]insert text here[/code ]

    DO NOT include the space between the 'e' and the bracket in the closing tag! I had to put that there to show you the example.

    The tags! This is possibly my favorite coding feature in all of Pixpet. This function allows you to build a tag, similar to those titles beneath you username on the side of posts that make it look like a little button.
    You can also change the tag color! Keep in mind that a lighter color tag will make the tag's font harder to read, and you will manually have to edit the color of the text to be readable!
    [tagcolor=INSERT HEX CODE HERE]insert text here[/tagcolor]

    ➤ PixPets Specific Code

    This is a ping! This will notify a person that you are calling them to specific post, and it will alert them in their Forum Messages.

    [icon]the name of the icon will go here. ex. align-center, twitter, bookmark[/icon]

    This is a unique code icon that works exclusively with Font Awesome. This website has a whole catalog of unique icons that you can use here on-site with the above code.

    A custom box in which you can change the border color, AND the background image!

    [boxbordercolor=INSERT HEX COLOR CODE HERE|bgurl=INSERT DIRECT LINK TO IMAGE HERE]insert text here[/box]

    Keep in mind you will need to change the text color manually in order for text to still be readable depending on what background you choose! And do not remove the | symbol!

    This is the column format!

    [col]insert text here[nextcol]insert new text here[/col]

    The code enables column formatting on the site, perfect for anyone with a flair for organization. This will support images as well! I believe the code currently only supports up to two columns.

    [mail]insert email address here[/mail]

    There also exists a code function exclusive to PMs here on Pixpets. It is used to automatically open your email program (if you use one) to begin writing an email to the addressed person. Be advised, do not send your email address to strangers.

    Dec 5th, 2017
    Posts: 1145
    Pixpets: 81
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    4 Years ago
    Jun 28th, 2019 - 10:19 AM
    Nr. 2 #22907 1

    Have been added!




    Jan 3rd, 2019
    Posts: 480
    Pixpets: 60
    Pixdex: 56
    4 Years ago
    Jun 28th, 2019 - 10:25 AM
    Nr. 3 #22909 1
    The guide has been updated to reflect the new column addition!
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