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Spiffy Adopts (OPEN) (2 Posts and 118 Views) (Closed)
Topic Tags: art, adoptables
Early Adopter

Dec 22nd, 2017
Posts: 3
Pixpets: 184
Pixdex: 80
5 Years ago
Apr 6th, 2019 - 7:17 PM
Nr. 1 #16056
Welcome to Spiffy Adopts, the place with spiffy adoptables! Here you can find exactly one adoptable species, which come in a nice small size so you can easily put them almost anywhere without taking up too much space.


Rarity: common

Fanciraptors are fancy little raptors whose feathers happen to resemble a nice jacket and a long pair of pants. This keeps them warm when it's cold out, so they'd only ever need to wear a real coat if you decided to shave them*.

Rarity: rare

Maskolotls are very mysterious little amphibians. What secrets could they be hiding behind their fancy masks and swooshy flesh-capes? What dark deeds have they done? The world may never know...

MASTERLIST: sta.sh/219328v29cvb


1: first come first serve

2: you can only claim one per batch

3: don't be rude to me or the other customers

4: don't steal my art. or other peoples' art. don't be an art thief in general

5: you can give them away/resell/trade after buying, but:
- please let me know if you do
- don't resell for more than you bought it for

And, if you want, you can give them a name and I'll keep track of it in the masterlist!


Some spiffy adoptables are IN STOCK under the spoiler tag!


A request-based service to do custom ones may be available in the future! Please check back later for whenever that happens!

*please don't do that
Early Adopter

Dec 22nd, 2017
Posts: 3
Pixpets: 184
Pixdex: 80
5 Years ago
Apr 16th, 2019 - 3:26 AM
Nr. 2 #16999
I only just now realized I may potentially need a second post here for whatever future purposes if these actually end up selling so I'm just going to reserve this second post here while I remember to
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