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Forum RelatedForum Suggestions (A Thread for Everyone) (12 Posts and 182 Views) (Sticky)
Topic Tags: forum, suggestion
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5 Years ago
Jun 4th, 2019 - 4:17 AM
Nr. 1 #21280 2
So you may have seen the title and thought this was another one of those megathreads that you have to post in if you have this particular type of suggestion, but it's not! It's really just a little poke from us forum mods to motivate players to think about the forums and how we can make them more approachable and welcoming to the community. If you have a forum-related suggestion, you can either post it here or make a separate thread for it, whichever you prefer!

To kick this off, I have a few suggestions from our community, plus Jelly and I...

  • Newbie Giveaway Section
    Fairly self-explanatory! Giveaway threads tend to get buried in the Dealers Den.

  • Clubs and Societies
    Creating a space where members with similar interests can meet, discuss, and form communities.

  • Polls
    A lot of forums allow users to make polls, and I think they'd be both helpful for feedback purposes, and fun for conversation purposes. Maybe this goes without saying, but preferably only logged-in users would be able to vote in polls. I understand that one of the biggest cons of polls is that they encourage a lack of discussion, since you can just click a choice and be done with it. My proposal for fixing this, particularly for important polls, is to introduce a rule that all voters must leave a reply stating their reasoning for their vote, otherwise their vote won't be counted. Of course this rule doesn't have to be used for every poll; it's up to the poll owner, but it's a possible solution.
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    Jan 3rd, 2019
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    5 Years ago
    Nov 2nd, 2019 - 4:32 AM
    Nr. 2 #31487 2
    Well, now that I'm aware of it, I'd actually like to see the addition of being able to create sub boards for the forums for more organization!
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    May 26th, 2018
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    5 Years ago
    Nov 19th, 2019 - 1:30 PM
    Nr. 3 #32185 2
    Here's an idea I came up with recently while designing my userpage, a choice of fonts! Proboards has a small list of pre-picked fonts to choose from, and it really makes a difference!
    hunter-z's Signature

    Jan 13th, 2020
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    5 Years ago
    Jan 25th, 2020 - 2:59 AM
    Nr. 4 #34049
    I was wondering if maybe a forum games" section would be possible?

    It would be a section devoted to word games like "Fictional Character ABC".

    I've always found those threads rather fun. .u.

    Jan 3rd, 2019
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    5 Years ago
    Jan 25th, 2020 - 3:14 AM
    Nr. 5 #34051
    @SeahorseySauce We do indeed have a forum games section already! It's been around since the game first opened. You can find it here!

    Jan 13th, 2020
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    5 Years ago
    Jan 25th, 2020 - 3:46 AM
    Nr. 6 #34052
    Ah, thank you for the link! :D

    Dec 31st, 2019
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    5 Years ago
    Jan 29th, 2020 - 10:15 PM
    Nr. 7 #34202 2
    Since this thread has recently been revived, I would love to see justified text added to the custom bbcode. Left align is just so ugly to me when I'm trying to write descriptions or big blocks of text. It'd be nice for pet bios, too.
    NuVonde's Signature
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    Jan 3rd, 2019
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    5 Years ago
    Jan 29th, 2020 - 10:25 PM
    Nr. 8 #34203
    Quote by: @NuVonde
    Since this thread has recently been revived, I would love to see justified text added to the custom bbcode. Left align is just so ugly to me when I'm trying to write descriptions or big blocks of text. It'd be nice for pet bios, too.

    I second this, would love to see for the sake of customization, especially since we have all other text alignments.

    Aug 25th, 2019
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    3 Years ago
    Aug 23rd, 2021 - 9:12 PM
    Nr. 9 #40701
    I also have an idea! I think a forum search option would be pretty useful. Something to allow you to put in the search bar keywords/titles/subjects and then pull up posts or threads with whatever you wrote. It'll probably be pretty needed once the community grows or becomes very active on the forums.
    Starcluster's Signature

    Give Loch Ness a visit?

    In other words, I don't know how to make a hyperlink.

    Oct 2nd, 2023
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    1 Year ago
    Oct 22nd, 2023 - 3:37 AM
    Nr. 10 #46277
    I was wanting (still wanting, I guess) for a user introduction thread so I could meet other new people, I was unable to find one at least.
    OmegaDusk's Signature
    So sleepy...

    Sep 26th, 2023
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    1 Year ago
    Oct 22nd, 2023 - 5:11 AM
    Nr. 11 #46278
    I think regular (and casual) forum events in the Events forum or the Contest forum would help. Maybe something for a PixPet equivalent of Halloween (or Fall) or New Years. It could be a simple event with rewards like a random color capsule or a pixpet/pixpal egg

    Quote by: @OmegaDusk
    I was wanting (still wanting, I guess) for a user introduction thread so I could meet other new people, I was unable to find one at least.

    There's this thread if you want to check it out

    Aug 29th, 2024
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    23 Days ago
    Jan 21st, 2025 - 8:13 AM
    Nr. 12 #47076
    We had a spam bot yesterday, successfully registered and grasing on the forum, until the heavy artillery came (cudos). While it's not a common deal (as far as I could see), maybу we could put a simple barrier for those, like granting an ability to post on forum only for users that have at least one pixpet? The basic user profile has a counter already, so it looks relatively easy to implement.
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