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Housing Comparison Spreadsheet (1 Post and 252 Views)
Topic Tags: Spreadsheet, houses, housing, google sheets, house market

May 23rd, 2019
Posts: 87
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Pixdex: 57
4 Years ago
Jun 4th, 2019 - 10:14 PM
Nr. 1 #21332 6

Hi y'all, I posted this on the Discussion forums either but I got some advice to post it here instead!

Basically, I made a spreadsheet to help people compare different types of houses and decide which ones are best to purchase for their playstyle.
Well. Kinda. Right now, nearly everything is a straight upgrade the more expensive you get, with some flukey outliars; for example, the Riverside Mansion actually has more total tile space than the 19th Century Urban Villa, and the Renovated Barnhouse actually gives you the most tiles for the least amount of PC.

If you want to edit this spreadsheet yourself, click File -> Make A Copy so you can have your own copy to fiddle with! Currently this spreadsheet doesn't allow anyone but myself to edit in order to prevent accidental deletion or vandalism.

Also if you have any suggestions for certain statistics or specific comparisons that'd help you pick out your dream home let me know and I'll see if I can add that to the master sheet!
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