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Unprofitable auctions? (9 Posts and 116 Views)

Jul 1st, 2019
Posts: 15
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4 Years ago
Jul 11th, 2019 - 10:28 PM
Nr. 1 #23940
Hello! I'm puzzled and worried if there's an unspoken rule about the auctions or bidding on them.
I've seen a lot of folks auction eggs starting at 1px, and sometimes the bidding ends such that they sell for a lot less than their back-to-server price.
Is this on purpose? Is there some unspoken rule that you're not supposed to sellback these undervalued eggs to server, or are people just gambling on the fact that sometimes people get into bidding fights?
For other items it feels more reasonable to assume this since the price disrepancy is a lot smaller. (sellback of an ingredient is 1px so it is always worthwhile putting it up for auction)

Jan 10th, 2019
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4 Years ago
Jul 11th, 2019 - 11:07 PM
Nr. 2 #23943 1
Honestly, I'm not sure why folks put them at 1pc as a starting bid even though I've done it myself. (Mine were relatively common ones and I hoped newbies would find the AH and be able to get them). Its not like it takes much to list or to sell back (release to the server) so I'm unsure what other reasoning might be. I've wondered the same thing so I hope that maybe someone else responds and can give a tad more insight. :)

Feb 15th, 2019
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4 Years ago
Jul 11th, 2019 - 11:46 PM
Nr. 3 #23948 2
I'm one of the people that puts rares and uncommons up for 1pc each, and I like to think that someone who needs it more might be able to get it. I'm not in it for the PC, I'm in it to help those early game people's that need a boost-
Its flawed, yes, but I like to make people happier in that regard.
LuciDatum's Signature
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Jul 1st, 2019
Posts: 15
Pixpets: 23
Pixdex: 34
4 Years ago
Jul 11th, 2019 - 11:48 PM
Nr. 4 #23950
That's a very good sentiment, Lucidatum!
Hm, perhaps an official function of donating items for people to receive at lower prices might be a fun thing to add.

(I mainly try to get the eggs so i could afford...... a better howse. ;m; i messed up and wasted all my starting resources because I didn't understand the value of money in this game hh)
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Jan 30th, 2019
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4 Years ago
Jul 12th, 2019 - 12:44 AM
Nr. 5 #23958 1
the 1 pc auctions from kind players helped me a lot with filling my pixdex in the beginning, so now i list spare normal-uncommon eggs at 1pc to help other newbies fill theirs.
Kookaburra's Signature

May 23rd, 2019
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4 Years ago
Jul 12th, 2019 - 2:40 AM
Nr. 6 #23964 1
To be completely genuine, I often list at 1pc for anything when I'm feeling too lazy to look up the price and I know it's probably not that much. Especially with anything I'm leaving up for auction for a few days; if given ample time, the price can go up quite a bit, even if you start at 1.
Frillshark's Signature

Jul 1st, 2019
Posts: 15
Pixpets: 23
Pixdex: 34
4 Years ago
Jul 12th, 2019 - 11:35 AM
Nr. 7 #23979
Thank you all for the answers- Im still not quite sure if bidding on these cheap things would be okay, but at least i now know what folks might be intending with their auctions.

Jan 25th, 2019
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4 Years ago
Jul 12th, 2019 - 11:42 AM
Nr. 8 #23981 1
Yep, its normally like on purpose. I remember when I was still new, I always bid on the 1pc ones, and then they always result in a bid war. Sometimes those bidwars can come without knowing, and although 1pc might not be a good profit, they should be happy that they helped someone. Or maybe someone had resell for a higher price which got them pc they might need, then whoever they sold to might had needed that item but still got it for a bit less than its normal price!

(And yay this is my 300th forum post!)
icearashi's Signature

Jul 2nd, 2019
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4 Years ago
Jul 13th, 2019 - 5:53 PM
Nr. 9 #24057 1
I was also wondering about the market fees. sometimes it leaves you with barely any profit. Is this to discourage selling items worth a lower price? Since it's an auction it's hard to keep it in the minimum range of five pc and the bidder looses their amount of pc while the person running the auction gains no profit. I'm new so I may have missed something, sorry.
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