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NewsThe Pixpet Blueprint Results (33 Posts and 882 Views) (Closed)

Dec 21st, 2018
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5 Years ago
Aug 12th, 2019 - 4:00 AM
Nr. 1 #26279 9

The results are in!

Papers coated every surface of Ignis’ office, even the windows and part of the ceiling. Normally quite bright, the room’s lone row of fluorescent lights was now struggling to keep it feasibly lit, shadows dancing to and from as the red dragon tried in vain to separate the many, many entries his competition had received. His mutterings were indecipherable, even to his own brain, mouthing vague nonsense as he read, placed, scattered, re-read, taped, tore down, moved, discarded, dropped, picked up, and tried his best to avoid destroying the various papers depicting every imaginable form of Pixpet his people had provided.
Outside, a bell suddenly began to ring. For a moment, the dragon froze, then groaned. A fire had been reported somewhere in the city.
“I’m not through with you yet,” he whisper-screamed as he donned his jacket and hat, carefully tip-clawing his way to the door. “So many pets to choose from, and only one can win… and I have no time to do it with the summer fire season.” He paused most of the way out the door. “Maybe… I can have the others do this for me. I’ll have to talk to them soon.” And with that, the door clicked shut.
“Greetings, citizens. I hope you are all well! Welcome to the reveal of our competition’s winners, here outside our leader’s very own home, where it all began!”
Cheers from the crowd followed Ignis’ statement. He even spotted a few flags and signs waving high, some red and some orange. Representing himself and Komodo, he could only guess. Taking a quick breath, he gestured to a large, simple, three-step podium waiting on the stage to his left, each with a sealed envelope on display.
“Today, we gather to celebrate the efforts of all the incredibly talented members of our community. Thank you all for your amazing work, your dedication to Pixpet, and for the many sleepless nights I spent poring over your creations!” A few chuckles echoed through the audience. “However, after much debate, there can only be three winners. The decisions were tough, especially at the end of it all, as the entries were whittled down to the best of the best. In the end, a few ties had to be broken, so first I’d like to congratulate our runner-ups!
“In fifth and fourth places respectively, please give a round of applause to… AlphaLeo000 and Fairylights!” Ignis and the crowd erupted into applause as both artists walk onto the stage. Above on a projector screen, the pair’s proposed ideas display for all to see: one of a great white shark-like creature and another of a hedgehog with a literal hedge across its back. Ignis shakes their hands, quietly congratulating them again on their creations as they pass back into the crowd as it grows quiet again.
“Now,” Ignis continued, “to help me present our finalists today, please welcome our very own, very orange leader, Komodo!” Rising from the back of the stage come the much smaller lizard, waving and beaming as his followers voiced their excitement. He strode confidently to the lowest platform, plucked the envelope from its stand, and returned to stand by Ignis at the microphone.
The dragon cleared his throat. “In third place, leaving today with a prize of 50 Pix Tickets and a Giant Pencil, is…” more laughter.
Komodo expertly slid the envelope open, quickly read the page and said, “…Cat, with their entry of the Sandimp!”
Applause, whoops, and whistles greeted Cat as they stepped onto the stage, shaking claws with Ignis and Komodo before taking their place on the podium’s bottom step. The projector switched to an image of a mole—like Pixpet, with a star-shaped nose and a decorative armor-plated back.
Komodo collected the second envelope and the process repeated.
“In second place,” Ignis said, “after a very tough decision, earning 100 Pix Tickets and a blueprint, we have…” he pointed to Komodo.
“BK47, with her Cragdevil!” She hopped onto the stage, waving as the audience did their thing. The image switched again to a dragon/Sphinx hybrid with large, flat, wing-like limbs attached to its back. Shaking both claws, she moved to stand upon the second tier, briefly sharing a congratulations with Cat as Komodo collected the final envelope.
“And now, we are here at our winner,” Ignis said quietly. “It was a long road, a fun road, filled with exciting ideas. It is my privilege to present to you our winner, who has earned the right to be forever immortalized into our world. This person will receive a special badge, a unique item, an egg of their pet, and the right to have their pet placed into our world forever.”
The crowd grew hushed, waiting for the name. “Our competition’s winner, and their submitted Pixpet, is…”
Komodo expertly sliced through the seal, lifted the envelope’s flap, slid out the card inside and announced…
“…with the entry of the Pixpet Canibyte, our winner is Jaxydragon!”
An enormously loud roar erupted as streamers filled the sky. A slightly shocked-looking member of the crowd emerged, half-dazed as they mounted the stage, eagerly shaking the claws of both presenters before running over to the podium. The other winners each grabbed an arm, pulling them up to the top platform as the crowd continued to clap and cheer. Above, an image of a canine-like shark displayed for all to enjoy, the next Pixpet to become reality.
“Congratulations to everyone!” Ignis called over the noise. “I hope to see you all working just as hard in the future!” With that, both he and Komodo stepped away to let the celebration naturally wear itself out.

So, first of I would like to thank every single person who decided to enter my event. I just wanted to do something fun with my patreon reward, and was happy to see some of the enthusiasm around the entries that we received. With a grand total of 48 participants, it was certainly hard to decide on a winner. In fact, we needed to do a tiebreaker for First and Third places, so congrats on making our jobs harder. It was amazing to see this turnout, and I hope everyone enjoyed the chance to participate in something like this. So without further delay, our official ranking for the winners!

First Place Winner

Second Place Runner-Up

Third Place

1st: A copy of your Pixpet egg, an event badge, and a exclusive item themed around the created Pixpet.
2nd: 100 Pix Tickets and a blueprint.
3rd: 50 Pix Tickets and a Giant Pencil.
Every Contestant: Event Badge for entering.

The winning Pixpet will take a while to be implemented, as well as the rewards. (Besides PT, have those ready!) Have a hardworking Phoenix and Komodo working on both! For scores, every entrant has a right to know them, so just respond to your email entry and I will share the list. Thanks again everyone for the wonderful reception of this event, and just maybe we will see another chance in the future.

Special Thanks
@Komodo, @Takkju, and @Skimbo for judging.
All of the moderation team for their support!
@Jaden for the banner again.
@Phoenix for being just fantastic support for the event.
@Chicken for making the above story again. (All him this time.)
@Wayvern for being just too darn nice.
All of you who entered.
Early Adopter

Feb 12th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Aug 12th, 2019 - 4:03 AM
Nr. 2 #26281
Congratulations to the winner, and to the runner ups. They all look fantastic!
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Apr 6th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Aug 12th, 2019 - 4:04 AM
Nr. 3 #26282
Omg, congrats to @jayxdragon! I can't wait to see Canibyte in the game!

And WOW, I didn't expect to place at all! I was super surprised to see my design!

Congrats to @Cat as well, Sandimp is sooooo precious ;v;

@/Ignis I know I've already said this, but this was so nice of you to give your patreon reward to the community! It was so much fun and I can't wait to see everyone's designs!
BK47's Signature
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Feb 21st, 2018
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5 Years ago
Aug 12th, 2019 - 4:06 AM
Nr. 4 #26283 3
*whooping and hollering for leo and bk!!*

xD i'm in love with all of these designs, ohhh man! congratulations to the winner and those who got a mention!! i can't wait to get this cutie in the game!
bunny's Signature

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5 Years ago
Aug 12th, 2019 - 4:07 AM
Nr. 5 #26284
wow, congrats to the winners! I hope everyone posts their entry in the gallery :D
Kookaburra's Signature
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Jan 13th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Aug 12th, 2019 - 4:12 AM
Nr. 6 #26285
Such cool ideas! Congrats you guys, you all did great!
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Apr 6th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Aug 12th, 2019 - 4:15 AM
Nr. 7 #26286
Quote by: @bunny
*whooping and hollering for leo and bk!!*

xD i'm in love with all of these designs, ohhh man! congratulations to the winner and those who got a mention!! i can't wait to get this cutie in the game!



(please :3)
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Jul 20th, 2019
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5 Years ago
Aug 12th, 2019 - 4:17 AM
Nr. 8 #26287
Oh gosh!!! That third place is so cute!??!!!!!
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Feb 21st, 2018
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5 Years ago
Aug 12th, 2019 - 4:19 AM
Nr. 9 #26288
@bk47 nahh i didnt enter... i probably should have but xD laaaazy. i really love your design, bk!! the big ol handwings!!
bunny's Signature

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Dec 24th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Aug 12th, 2019 - 4:20 AM
Nr. 10 #26289
Congrats to the winners and runner-ups! I'll be awaiting the arrival of Canibyte!
Maple's Signature

Dec 22nd, 2018
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5 Years ago
Aug 12th, 2019 - 4:23 AM
Nr. 11 #26292 1
AW GOSH im so honored to have placed!!! there were so many amazing entries, and the other winners r *CHEF KISS*

@bk47 THANK YOU WEEPS i love cragdevil as well!! BIG OL HAND WINGS!!!

thank you for such a fantastic opportunity ignis, and I'm so excited to see the shark pup made real!!!! <333

Jun 30th, 2019
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5 Years ago
Aug 12th, 2019 - 4:25 AM
Nr. 12 #26293
Yaaay! I've been eagerly awaiting these results! I can see why the winning designs won, they are adorable and creative! (I especially love the Cragdevil, and hope it maybe gets added one day? Yes? Please? With sprinkles?)

Aaaaah, can't say I'm not disappointed I didn't place(but I get a badge anyway, did not expect that!). |D It was fun regardless. Now I just want to see all the designs that folks came up with!

May 23rd, 2019
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5 Years ago
Aug 12th, 2019 - 4:27 AM
Nr. 13 #26294
Congrats to the winners!! All of your entries are so good <3 I can't wait to see the new pet in the game!!
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5 Years ago
Aug 12th, 2019 - 4:28 AM
Nr. 14 #26295
They all look so wonderful! Can’t wait to see them in the game! Congrats to the winners! <3
rainerune's Signature
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Apr 18th, 2019
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5 Years ago
Aug 12th, 2019 - 4:30 AM
Nr. 15 #26296
congratulations everyone!!!! i'm so pumped to see canibyte win i loooved this one so much, i love greyscale/bright highlight color characters! all the entries were so good ;v;

Jun 23rd, 2019
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5 Years ago
Aug 12th, 2019 - 4:48 AM
Nr. 16 #26297
Congrats to everyone! I'm glad I was able to take part in this event as well, and I'm excited to get the new pet when it comes around. >:3c
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May 16th, 2019
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5 Years ago
Aug 12th, 2019 - 4:53 AM
Nr. 17 #26298
aw i love the runnerup... so cute
but first placers make do. ill be waiting for that grey and blue addition
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Feb 12th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Aug 12th, 2019 - 4:53 AM
Nr. 18 #26299 1
Congrats! Looking forward for Canibyte and the artwork Komodo will make, and the two new decorative items!

Since it's already public here is the full ranking:

1+2.Jayxdragon, BK47
3+4.Cat, fairylights
6+7.TawnySoup, Pippington
9+10+11+12.mute-owl, Dinomatika, Tybaxel, MahuruRaji
13+14.Orion, Frillshark
15+16+17+18+19+20.Ymedron, Shyads, Jelly, AeroPawsta, Masquerade, NightWolfDragon
21+22+23.HeroHeart, TheColbatBlue, imp
25+26.blueink, Jesseth
29+30+31.Tindra, Wayvern, Gargoleon
32+33.dragontamer19, Poulmetis
35+36+37.Mrinja, Mimpii, JohnVGMC
44+45+46.Silverdew, Hibeki, RuffnTuff
47+48.Icerashi, BellamiaVelour

Jan 9th, 2019
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5 Years ago
Aug 12th, 2019 - 5:02 AM
Nr. 19 #26301
Congratulations! Seriously digging the Canibyte. Hope to get an egg soon!
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Sep 5th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Aug 12th, 2019 - 5:09 AM
Nr. 20 #26302 3


Congrats to BK and Cat!! i luv ur designs

Ignis ur such a sweetie for holding this contest <3333
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