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★ Wayvern’s Pixels ★ (3 Posts and 257 Views)
Topic Tags: wayvern, commissions
Game Moderator

Dec 1st, 2018
Posts: 602
Pixpets: 254
Pixdex: 76
5 Years ago
Aug 18th, 2019 - 12:11 AM
Nr. 1 #26811

★Wayvern’s Pixels ★

(PPT funding)

I love commissioning new items for the game, but all these lovely new items require PPT and I keep using up all of mine lol.

While the item funding forum can get me some of the PPT help required, I thought it might be a good idea to include another PPT funding method by offering to do some art commissions.

To start these off, I’m going to be doing custom bars. You may have already noticed a few that I have done that are already in my signature, each linking to different areas of interest.

Examples of my work

Bar type 1 - Sprite Re-colour:

Bar type 2 - Sprite Re-colour, minor edits:

Bar type 3 - Sprite Re-colour, heavily edited/fake Pixpet:

These nifty little bars are designed to look like the official Pixpet ones, but as you can see, the sprite is animated and edited to requirement. They are great for using to link to your userpage, gallery, special threads etc. If you are unsure how to link them, I can also help you with that too.


As I mentioned at the beginning, this thread is to help with item funding, therefore I am only taking PPT commissions at the moment. I apologise in advance if you only have PC, and respectively ask that you respect my choice and do not harass me to take PC payments as this depletes to point of this thread.

Bar type 1:
10 PPT - Bar with animated sprite, re-coloured required only

Bar type 2:
12 PPT - Bar with animated sprite, re-coloured/minor edits required

Bar type 3:
15 PPT - Bar with animated sprite, re-coloured/heavily edited or fake Pixpet required

If you are unsure whether your required sprite will need minor, or heavy edits to create, please feel free to message me your sprite details to confirm.

Available bar colours

Order Form

Bar type:
Bar colour:
Required Name (Top half of bar):
Required LVL (Bottom half of bar):
Sprite description (Please give as much detail as possible. Images also help if available, especially if requiring a fake Pixpet):



  • Payment is required once I confirm that you have a slot, and before I start your commission. I will refund all PPT paid if I am unable to complete your commission for any reason within a reasonable timeframe.

  • I reserve the right to refuse to take a commission for any reason. This may be because I am going through a busy period so will have to restrict time spent on commissions, or something else entirely. I like to ensure I can work on your commission after all
Wayvern's Signature

Game Moderator

Dec 1st, 2018
Posts: 602
Pixpets: 254
Pixdex: 76
5 Years ago
Aug 18th, 2019 - 12:11 AM
Nr. 2 #26812

The below images are for the use of the named persons ONLY. Taking or copying the images for your own personal use is not permitted.

Wayvern's Signature

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Apr 6th, 2018
Posts: 1638
Pixpets: 331
Pixdex: 165
5 Years ago
Aug 21st, 2019 - 9:19 PM
Nr. 3 #27175
Taking all three slots because I'm selfish :D

Bar type: 3, ×3
Bar colour: Magenta for the pink gargoyle, cyan for the cobra, and aqua for the other gargoyle
Required Name: Since these will be replacing the links in my sig, I'd like one bar to say Pixpet Wiki, another to say Rules, and the third one to say Player Guides.
Required LVL: You can leave this out ^^
Sprite description: I want these little dudes!
BK47's Signature
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avatar art by PauMol   |   custom bars by Wayvern
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