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NewsBig Announcement: Pixpet ADVENTURE (48 Posts and 890 Views) (Closed)
Topic Tags: Pixpet, Adventure, Game, Text, RPG
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5 Years ago
Oct 21st, 2019 - 1:54 AM
Nr. 41 #30705 1
Quote by: @dragontamer1990
You said "instead of hoards", does that mean they can't go on hoards no more or did you actually mean "besides hoards"? I'd love it if we'd be able to pick which one our pets do. The update does sound interesting though, can't wait. I love a good story. <3

The post says that you can have only one pet on an adventure at a time. I interpreted that to mean that one pet can adventure instead of hoard, while your other pets can only hoard (at least until the adventuring pet comes back). I could be wrong though. ^^
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Sep 20th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Oct 21st, 2019 - 1:56 AM
Nr. 42 #30706 2
Quote by: @BK47
Quote by: @dragontamer1990
You said "instead of hoards", does that mean they can't go on hoards no more or did you actually mean "besides hoards"? I'd love it if we'd be able to pick which one our pets do. The update does sound interesting though, can't wait. I love a good story. <3

The post says that you can have only one pet on an adventure at a time. I interpreted that to mean that one pet can adventure instead of hoard, while your other pets can only hoard (at least until yhe adventuring pet comes back). I could be wrong though. ^^
1 story and rest hoards? Hope you're right on that.
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5 Years ago
Oct 21st, 2019 - 10:07 AM
Nr. 43 #30715 2
Quote by: @dragontamer1990
Quote by: @BK47
Quote by: @dragontamer1990
You said "instead of hoards", does that mean they can't go on hoards no more or did you actually mean "besides hoards"? I'd love it if we'd be able to pick which one our pets do. The update does sound interesting though, can't wait. I love a good story. <3

The post says that you can have only one pet on an adventure at a time. I interpreted that to mean that one pet can adventure instead of hoard, while your other pets can only hoard (at least until yhe adventuring pet comes back). I could be wrong though. ^^
1 story and rest hoards? Hope you're right on that.

The bit where Komodo mentions waiting times confirms that your other pets can still hoard while you use the new feature:

Waiting Times: The waiting times in the current game have always been criticized, especially for new players. The adventure grants new and even unregistered players immediate access to the Pixpet world, giving players things to do while they wait for pets to return from hoards or plants to grow.
Wayvern's Signature


Sep 18th, 2019
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5 Years ago
Oct 21st, 2019 - 7:58 PM
Nr. 44 #30745 1
Lets hope that we don't lose a pet if it dies on an adventure. Super hyped for this though. Sounds like an outstanding new feature that will change the game permanently, and pull in more people to this fantastic game.

Sep 20th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Oct 22nd, 2019 - 12:24 AM
Nr. 45 #30819 1
Quote by: @Wayvern
Quote by: @dragontamer1990
Quote by: @BK47
Quote by: @dragontamer1990
You said "instead of hoards", does that mean they can't go on hoards no more or did you actually mean "besides hoards"? I'd love it if we'd be able to pick which one our pets do. The update does sound interesting though, can't wait. I love a good story. <3

The post says that you can have only one pet on an adventure at a time. I interpreted that to mean that one pet can adventure instead of hoard, while your other pets can only hoard (at least until yhe adventuring pet comes back). I could be wrong though. ^^
1 story and rest hoards? Hope you're right on that.

The bit where Komodo mentions waiting times confirms that your other pets can still hoard while you use the new feature:

Waiting Times: The waiting times in the current game have always been criticized, especially for new players. The adventure grants new and even unregistered players immediate access to the Pixpet world, giving players things to do while they wait for pets to return from hoards or plants to grow.
Ah okay, thank goodness. <3 Thankies Wayvern.
dragontamer1990's Signature

Mar 8th, 2019
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5 Years ago
Oct 22nd, 2019 - 12:38 AM
Nr. 46 #30822 1
Glitchness LVL 3? Hmm, I wonder if it means there's some interesting Pixpet lore it could be hinting at.. could the fissures be glitches and the pixpet world is a video game??? Hmmm!! And if a pet reaches this LVL it could evolve into MissingNo. HMMMM!!

Jul 20th, 2019
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5 Years ago
Oct 22nd, 2019 - 12:43 AM
Nr. 47 #30824 1
ohhhh exciting. cant wait to try it out.
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Apr 14th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Oct 22nd, 2019 - 11:37 AM
Nr. 48 #30852 1
Hope that give more to do for this game hehe.
Seems exciting.
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