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What's your favourite horror movie? (7 Posts and 51 Views)
Topic Tags: halloween,horror

Feb 2nd, 2019
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4 Years ago
Oct 31st, 2019 - 1:03 AM
Nr. 1 #31277
Halloween is upon us! Though if you're like me, every day is halloween; I live for costumes and candy, and the horror genre as a whole. It's been my favourite holiday since I was a tiny

So, tell me about your favourite horror movie! Suggest something for the fellow halloween nut to check out, or enthuse about your favourite that everyone's seen, I want to hear about it!

Only rule is no bashing people's movie tastes, save that for the rotten pumpkins on your street come november :p
Overcast's Signature
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4 Years ago
Oct 31st, 2019 - 10:17 PM
Nr. 2 #31398 1
1408 is a fun horror movie! It focuses more on psychological horror rather than monsters and jumpscares, it's definitely worth giving a watch ^^ Theme is a haunted hotel room c:

Now I'm not a huge fan of horror movies, mainly because they're too repetitive and tend to focus on jumpscares, which I think is cheap. The following one isn't really a horror movie, though it scared me as a child, but it's definitely got a Halloween theme to it - Van Helsing (2004)! It's one of my all-time favorites ^^
hunter-z's Signature

Sep 25th, 2019
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4 Years ago
Oct 31st, 2019 - 11:06 PM
Nr. 3 #31402 1
I've got two! :^D They definitely tie, considering they're so different. John Carpenter's The Thing is my go-to for any time I have an urge to watch a horror film; the practical effects are gorgeous, the acting is convincing, and it really feels "believable" in a way most modern horror flicks don't really do for me. On the other hand, Legion (aka Exorcist 3) is my favorite dialogue-heavy/conceptual horror movie--it doesn't try to scare you so much as actually horrify/disgust you, and make you think about the grotesque side of humanity. ;9
Kroj's Signature

Jul 14th, 2019
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4 Years ago
Nov 1st, 2019 - 1:13 AM
Nr. 4 #31418 1
Dont watch many Horror Movies, i react sensitive towards jumpscares/loud sounds even when i am totally in love with the lore/aesthetic of Horror / Halloween themes.

So i can only talk about a few, like the classic: A Nightmare on Elm Street

Seriously, who hasnt seen it should do it asap. Its my fave horror movie and the story is quite interesting and not 100% clear, tho its highly suggested what happend. Tho a big FSK 18+ warning for it, but that should be obvious.

1 2 Freddy comes to you~

(my mom used to sing the song to me so i could fall asleep as a baby, ftw)

Since Halloween Themed movies are also listed, i got to Halloween Themed series shortly:
Hellsing (both versions, 16+) & Soul Eater

Just watch them, no need to thank me.
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Done by Evianrei

Feb 2nd, 2019
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2 Years ago
Oct 17th, 2021 - 7:50 AM
Nr. 5 #41440
Bringing this back cos it's the middle of october again, and time for more spooky shenanigans

I recently watched a movie called the Block Island Sound and adored it, it takes its sweet time building up the atmosphere and horror and I really liked the perspective flip it pulled at the end

If you're into the psychological horror stuff, I def recommend that!
Overcast's Signature

Aug 9th, 2019
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2 Years ago
Oct 21st, 2021 - 6:34 AM
Nr. 6 #41498 1
Hmmm.. I'd have to go with any of the Chucky movies. I usually hate dolls because of their eyes and uncanny stares but Chucky is different for some reason. There's a new Chucky SERIES that just came out so I recommend watching that lol.

Dec 13th, 2021
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2 Years ago
Dec 16th, 2021 - 2:47 PM
Nr. 7 #42984
Hereditary... I'm too scared to re-watch it That movie just hit all the spook spots I have.
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