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ImprovementAllowing the seller to customize their minimum bid amount (3 Posts and 44 Views)
Topic Tags: bid

Aug 13th, 2019
Posts: 91
Pixpets: 119
Pixdex: 60
4 Years ago
Nov 14th, 2019 - 2:20 AM
Nr. 1 #31995 2
With a small discussion between Silver, Christovski and the mention of Miez's suggestion, I wanted to make this a forum suggestion so the discussion can start about if others like this idea.

We have all been there. When the bidding war happens...of 1 pc, 1 pc, and 1 pc. It can get annoying for the bidders and it is certainly annoying for the seller who gets 110 notifications and all of them is this person bid 1 pc. On top of having that option, I feel like it would be nice for sellers to customize their bid to like 5 pc, 10, and maybe maximum of 100 pc. This would not only drastically reduce bid wars but also keep notifications to a more manageable state!

Please let me know if there are ways to better this suggestion, if you like it, or otherwise don't agree with this suggestion!

Sep 18th, 2018
Posts: 115
Pixpets: 151
Pixdex: 64
4 Years ago
Nov 14th, 2019 - 2:23 AM
Nr. 2 #31996
I mean, for me it's a mix of it kinda stinks to come back to pixpet to find 20 notifications about an auction...for an item that ended up selling for like 20PC over the starting bid.

Meanwhile, as a bidder, it's frustrating to have to constantly escalate the price to dissuade the swarms of notifications from someone bidding 1PC higher every time you turn your back on an auction.
Christovski's Signature

Sep 18th, 2018
Posts: 115
Pixpets: 151
Pixdex: 64
4 Years ago
Nov 15th, 2019 - 2:30 PM
Nr. 3 #32070
It starts to feel like there's no point to selling things on auction, I waited 2 days for this auction and in the end I made only 8 PC more than if I'd just sold it directly in dealer's den or something. This auction system needs something to make it worth using.
Christovski's Signature
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