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RulesItem Funding Guidelines (1 Post and 114 Views) (Closed) (Sticky)
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Jan 15th, 2018
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4 Years ago
Nov 14th, 2019 - 12:52 PM
Nr. 1 #32020


Along with these board rules, our general forum rules apply on this board too!

About Item Funding

    Item Funding is a collective funding of item commissions. You can imagine it like Kickstarter, but just with items that will get added to PixPet.net.

Item Funding Guidelines

    1. Explain What You Want

      It should be obvious from the title what kind of item you want to commission. You also should go more into detail within the post, to let people know what exactly you have in mind.

    2. Collection of PixPet Tickets (PPT)

      You should collect the required amount of PPT via the PixPet Ticket Sending system. You should specify how much a user needs to pay if they where to help and user who want to help have to send the required amount of PPT to the collector.
      It's also advised to make a list with all users who are interested in funding an item and mark them as paid once they send the required PPT!

    3. Commission ASAP

      Once you have the required amount of PPT, you should commission the item you want. If you have enough funds, but not all slots filled, you still can let users have the chance to help "funding"

    4. Redistribute the Commissioned Item

      Once your commission got approved and got added to the game, You will receive 10 (16 for coloured items) instances of your commissioned item. After you received it, you should redistribute it ASAP.

    5. One Topic per Commission

      We only allow one topic per commission. If you have multiple commissions at the same time, we ask you to create multiple topics. In addition, you are allowed to bump your topic(s) once a day.
Takkju's Signature
No, you are not allowed to do this! And no, don't even ask me if you are allowed to do this!

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