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ImprovementPlease Increase the Minimum Watering Intervals (3 Posts and 58 Views)
Topic Tags: watering plant pumpkin grade minus

Dec 25th, 2018
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4 Years ago
Apr 1st, 2020 - 3:58 PM
Nr. 1 #35582 2
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= Shepard / 23 =

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4 Years ago
Apr 1st, 2020 - 5:35 PM
Nr. 2 #35587
To me this could be an opportunity for a new PC sink. Maybe allow people to switch fertilizers without having to replant their plants, for a hefty fee. The watering fertilizer is pretty effective at what it does, after all, with DNA Beans being the only plant that it can't increase to 16 hours. And the main reason that I rarely use most of my plant fertilizers is precisely because we can't switch them without replanting.

The good news is that 9 plants already have a watering interval between 16 and 35 hours, while the other 7 plants are between 13 and 15.5 hours. But like I said, the watering fertilizer fixes most of those short interval plants.

If only...fertilizer switching...
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Dec 25th, 2018
Posts: 59
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4 Years ago
Apr 1st, 2020 - 5:54 PM
Nr. 3 #35589
Quote by: @BK47
To me this could be an opportunity for a new PC sink. Maybe allow people to switch fertilizers without having to replant their plants, for a hefty fee. The watering fertilizer is pretty effective at what it does, after all, with DNA Beans being the only plant that it can't increase to 16 hours. And the main reason that I rarely use most of my plant fertilizers is precisely because we can't switch them without replanting.

The good news is that 9 plants already have a watering interval between 16 and 35 hours, while the other 7 plants are between 13 and 15.5 hours. But like I said, the watering fertilizer fixes most of those short interval plants.

If only...fertilizer switching...

Yeah the lack of fertilizer switching is the real annoyance there. It does suck quite a bit to be locked permanently into only using watering fertilizer and never being able to use anything else for specific plants, knowing that I can't meet the 12-13 hr time frame. In general for anyone intending to keep plants in the long term (which we're pretty encouraged to do as users on account of them taking SO LONG to grow) the more fun fertilizers are useless because they're not a good long term investment. I find myself almost never using the double or quadruple harvest ones because I know they'll be worth nothing after a few harvests.
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= Shepard / 23 =

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