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Brewing Issues + item take-back glitch (4 Posts and 62 Views)
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Feb 22nd, 2018
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5 Years ago
Oct 11th, 2018 - 9:26 AM
Nr. 1 #985

I tried to brew a pixpet potion and followed the recipe exactly:
-full-grown pumpkin (rose, grade 100)
- honey (no grade because that's how they are sold. I suspect this potentially may have a hand in things)
- pixeldust stew (forgot the exact grade, should be 20-30 or so)
- 2 voxel fruits (grade 24 I think)

about 3 and a half hours later, potion ends up a potion of failure. I didn't get to screenshot the ingredients (I even briefly pondered if I should've, but didn't. drat) but I am 100% sure those were all the things I inputted, which should match the recipe exactly.

Item take-back

Not as serious but I was fiddling with item placement in my house. I went to try and take back one item (liquid sunstone), but when I hit "remove", the "the [item] has been taken back to the inventory" message displayed, but the item was still physically there. I ended up fixing it by re-logging back in, and hitting "remove" a second time and was able to successfully remove the item for good (I don't know if logging back in was really needed, but that's something I did).

I use Google Chrome and have Windows 10.

Dec 5th, 2017
Posts: 1145
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5 Years ago
Oct 11th, 2018 - 12:22 PM
Nr. 2 #986
Brewing: This really seem like a bug, I'll investigate today!
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Jan 15th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Oct 11th, 2018 - 3:41 PM
Nr. 3 #987
I’ve send some debug info to Komodo.
For now, I recommend not to brew any potions so no items get wasted!
Takkju's Signature
No, you are not allowed to do this! And no, don't even ask me if you are allowed to do this!


Dec 5th, 2017
Posts: 1145
Pixpets: 81
Pixdex: 30
5 Years ago
Oct 11th, 2018 - 4:19 PM
Nr. 4 #988
There has been a misconfiguration with every recipe with a full grown pumpkin as ingredient. It should be fixed now!
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