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A Day in the Life (Pixpet Journal) (65 Posts and 873 Views) (Sticky) | |
Topic Tags: a general pixpet rp, not meant to compete w/ hoard of treasures!! | |
![]() Early Adopter Jun 5th, 2018 Posts: 19 Pixpets: 7 Pixdex: 7 ![]() | 6 Years ago Oct 27th, 2018 - 3:59 AM Nr. 1 #1063 Welcome to A Day in the Life, a place where we can jot down our pixpet's shenanigans! There's no form or sheet required, just post what your pet did. It can be formatted like a journal entry, a snippet, or simply just commentary on what your pet brought back from hoard. You can pop in and out as you choose. This RP doesn't have any activity requirements. ~inspired by Rubix the Canisqua~ -------------------------- Macbeth the Mobath's journal, Oct. 25, 2018: "I'm sent out with Buehrle again. We've been doing this for what, a week now? Two weeks? I've lost track. I'm the only one doing any work here. Even if I only ever find Veemooth eggs, I don't think Buehrle found something that isn't a plastic table since the day she brought me home. We passed the cave where my egg came from. It was weird to see so many of my kind just sleeping. There were hundreds of eggs, just lying there... I'm kinda lonely out in the house. The others say I was the first Mobath ever discovered. Clearly not the only one anymore, as I saw fresh tracks in the mud leading in. Maybe I should host a Lamp Party out in the garden. It'd be a good way to see more of my kind. Chi gave me this potion. It tastes vaguely of pumpkin seeds. Hopefully she'll be proud when I come home." |
![]() Early Adopter Feb 21st, 2018 Posts: 162 Pixpets: 107 Pixdex: 55 ![]() | 6 Years ago Oct 27th, 2018 - 6:45 PM Nr. 2 #1064 oh i LOVE THIS. -- Gummy, Pink Lemonade, and Equi. Page 1. We all went out at the same time and basically stuck together the entire trip!! We had a lot of fun, but the thing is, I GUESS WE ALL JUST COMPLETELY FORGOT TO GET ANYTHING GOOD, AT ALL, LITERALLY EVER. In order to not seem suspicious, we came home at different times, and quickly snuck some stuff from a trash pile outside of our neighbors house. Our owner definitely didn't notice!! ![]() ![]() (Editor's note; I NOTICED AND I'M ENRAGED.) |
bunny's Signature ruby - 21 - she/her furaffinity x twitter x deviantart | |
![]() Early Adopter Patreon Supporter Apr 8th, 2018 Posts: 80 Pixpets: 287 Pixdex: 165 ![]() | 6 Years ago Oct 27th, 2018 - 11:47 PM Nr. 3 #1065 1I hope this is not too long? -- Inanna the Indigoat's Journal, Oct. 27, 2018: Ooh, a diary? I guess I could use an outlet right about now. I’m the second oldest in our rapidly growing family, and everything was going great until I came back from my last hoard. I could barely hide my pride as I presented Schnecco with my latest load – some liquid emerald, pumpkin fruit increase fertilizer, and a precious new Indigoat egg. As I expected, she placed the egg on the market almost immediately, and smiled as she mixed the fertilizer into all three of our pumpkin plots. She had been wanting that type for our high grade pumpkins. “You did well, Inanna!” I closed my eyes in contentment as she petted me, but then snapped them open again when she said, “Good finale for your last hoard for a while.” “Huh?!” “Our new Troffinch has hatched, and she’s purple!” I know Schnecco has been wanting other color group varieties since I am white like my older brother Alasdair, but I had never thought far enough ahead to the time I would be taken off hoarding duty. Alasdair is trying to get to level 100, and he is never around anymore. I could understand better now, though, why he was dubious about sharing his home with me after I had hatched. Out in our expansive backyard, Ramona literally had the young Troffinch under her wing. “I’m teaching Riya everything I know!!” That Tuxo is way too excited about everything, to the point where it gets annoying, but she has also been quite a skilled hoarder from the day she hatched. I’m rather irked to admit it. “You can teach her some more when you get back. Looks like it’s time for you to head out again.” Schnecco handed her some food pellets and sent her off. “Oh, okay.” Ramona glanced back wistfully at her new avian sister. “Just remember, if I don’t get back before you leave for your first hoard, take advantage of being able to survey your surroundings from the sky!” Riya nodded and waved a wing to the retreating form of her self-appointed mentor. Itzal the Igupunk, the second youngest, also scooped up his food ration and departed. Did I just imagine the smug look he gave me? He is an odd one, and hardly talks to the rest of us. “Once you’re done resting, Inanna, I’ll send Riya out on her first hoard.” I couldn’t bear the disappointment anymore, and was horrified at the tears in my eyes. “Maybe we should wait until she is a little older?” I tried. “She will be fine. The earlier we can get her started, the faster she will improve.” “But—but I brought you back an egg!” The tears spilled over now. “Eggs are old news,” piped up Vasuki the Noo-Long. “Everyone is over them. We’re supposed to be finding evolution items now. Not that it helped when I brought back oatmeal AND a new wall. I’m grounded now, too.” “Grounded? You make it sound like we did something wrong! Also, that wall clashes with our floor.” “Guys! I’m sorry,” said Schnecco, “but we just don’t have enough room, and you two are the repeat color groups. I’ll rotate your hoards when I can, but this is how it is now.” “We just moved, and already need a bigger house,” sighed Vasuki. I didn’t want to think about how that probably would not happen in the short time we had here. I was supposed to be resting, but was too agitated for that, so I went for a walk instead. After leaving our woodland, I ambled toward the suburbs with the New Luck Bungalows, where I found bunny’s Bloomfer Sasuke just hanging out. Schnecco had some turns left in the special food lottery, so I gave it a go and managed to win a rare giant lollipop, which I gave to Sasuke in exchange for a bunch of food pellets. I felt a little better after spending some time with her, but now must face the reality that I will be stuck at home indefinitely, waiting and watching as the others get to venture out and bring back treasures. Or trash. Maybe if it’s mostly trash, Schnecco will think about letting me out again. |
Schnecco's Signature | |
![]() Early Adopter Patreon Supporter Apr 8th, 2018 Posts: 80 Pixpets: 287 Pixdex: 165 ![]() | 6 Years ago Oct 28th, 2018 - 7:02 PM Nr. 4 #1069 1Inanna the Indigoat's Journal, Oct. 28, 2018: Technically, Vasuki and I are assigned to the “Pixpet Inventory,” which means we do not have an official spot in the house and cannot be sent on hoards, or partake of the treats brought by visitors. With all the others gone, however, there was plenty of space, so we lounged in the backyard and awaited Riya’s return from her first hoard. It wasn’t long before she flitted back, clutching three shiny Pixcoins in her talons. “Oh, that’s great for your first one!” exclaimed Vasuki. “I didn’t bring back anything the first three times I went out.” “And you wonder why you were the first of us to be shelved,” I muttered. Vasuki ignored me, and Riya looked relieved. She deposited the coins with the rest of our small stockpile, perched on the mismatched green-tinted plastic chair, and after a short rest, took off again once Schnecco gave her some more food pellets. Upon her second return, she held a couple more Pixcoins and three bottles of liquid sapphire, for which Vasuki and Schnecco praised her effusively. They were only Grade 23 and considered Dull, but that was still better than my Grade 17 Very Dull liquid emerald. How galling; I had brought those back on my 23rd hoard, and this was only Riya’s second. After her third hoard, she had nothing to show again but a few more Pixcoins, but those still earned her praise. By now, Itzal had returned again with both a Feli crystal and a neutral capsule. This time, I am sure I did not imagine his smug look. Schnecco was beyond thrilled when the capsule contained a plant pot and she could now plant our Grade 100 catnip seeds. I had so been hoping that it would be me who brought back the first new plant pot, but now that chance is gone. Ramona soon came back with some Normal Grade 44 liquid amethyst and pumpkin grade fertilizer. Nothing too special, but of course she was still pleased with herself. Once Schnecco relieved her of her loot, Ramona went to see how Riya was doing. “I’m so proud of you!” she gushed upon seeing the sapphire. “It’s not as good as your amethyst,” Riya chirped. “It’s just some Dull liquid sapphire.” “But that is SO much better than VERY Dull!” I cringed, but Ramona didn’t notice. I’m sure she was not even thinking about my liquid emerald, but still. When it was time for Riya to leave on her next hoard, Ramona settled on the grass and put her head under her wing, thus becoming much less annoying. Darn birds and their wings, of course they can find better things. Sure, I can scale mountains, but they can just fly up them. It isn’t fair! How am I ever going to convince Schnecco that I am worthy of going out on hoards again? |
Schnecco's Signature | |
![]() Early Adopter Patreon Supporter Apr 8th, 2018 Posts: 80 Pixpets: 287 Pixdex: 165 ![]() | 6 Years ago Oct 29th, 2018 - 11:39 AM Nr. 5 #1073 1*Looks around* I don't mean to take over this thread! I was just inspired this weekend, and this is an awesome idea, Chicago. Depending on what happens, this may be my last post for a little while. -- Inanna the Indigoat's Journal, Oct. 29, 2018: It is a somewhat momentous occasion whenever Alasdair comes home. He is older and more skilled than all of us, so those of us that are home all flock around him each time to see what he brought. If they are useful items, he relishes the attention, but when they are kind of meh, he shrugs it off and seems a little embarrassed. Today was a combination of the two. “I’ve got some pure liquid onyx, but we have no bearberries to use it for Fertilizer potion, and Very Pure mini banana seeds, but no free pots.” “Maybe your white capsule has a new pot, or a floor,” Schnecco wondered as she took it from him. I really wasn’t that surprised when yet another small white plastic table popped out. “Oh well, there is always next time.” Schnecco patted him. “You’ve earned your 17 hours of rest.” “Hurry up and get to level 100 so I can go back out,” I prodded him. “Gone for a day and a half, and that’s all you brought back?” “Hey, you’re forgetting my 41 Pixcoins! Do you have any idea how many goblins I had to fight and treasure chests I had to lockpick to get those?” Vasuki chuckled and Itzal gave Alasdair a skeptical glance, but Riya’s eyes widened. “G-goblins?” Alasdair tilted his head at her. “When did we get a Troffinch? Come to think of it, this is the second time I’ve come back to a new pet from an egg I didn’t find.” “The price of certain eggs has gone down, and you’re never here anymore,” I replied. Turning to Riya, I assured her, “There are no goblins. Alasdair just likes to tell tales. I don’t believe half the things he says he and his friend Roe the Unicubb have done.” “The treasure chests are real, though.” Alasdair held up a paw. “I broke a nail trying to open all of them.” “I bet you just fell off another tree.” “I’ll have you know, I’ve mastered the art of tree climbing by now!” he shot back. I had managed to ruffle him. “Let Alasdair rest,” Schnecco chided. “I’m sure he’s tired after such a long excursion.” Schnecco says she does not have a favorite pet, but Alasdair is clearly her favorite. He is the oldest, after all, and since we share a color group, I hold him primarily responsible for my current situation, though I suppose I wouldn’t even be here if he hadn’t found my egg. I plopped down on my favorite spot in the grass, only to look up as I felt a slight pressure on my back. Tilting my head around, I saw Riya perched there. “Do I look like a bed to you?” “That depends,” she replied cautiously, “on your definition of a bed.” Was she trying to be sassy, or just her young bumbling self? I let the comment slide. “I don’t think actual beds exist in this world yet. Alasdair’s been dreaming of finding one forever.” She twitched at the Feliphene’s name. “Are you sure there are no goblins?” “Yes. Well, I’ve never seen any while I’ve been hoarding, and I could confirm it if I was allowed to go out again.” My tone was probably harsher than I meant it. “I-I’m sorry I took your spot.” I blinked. What was I supposed to say? Riya settled herself deeper into my back. Of course Ramona would be on a hoard right now and unable to tend to the spooked Troffinch. Riya was obviously still wary of Alasdair, and I suppose my fur was softer than Vasuki or Itzal’s scales. Not that Itzal would tolerate this sort of thing. I sighed and closed my eyes, drifting into sleep at some point, since despite everything, I did not want to move and disturb the Troffinch resting on my back. |
Schnecco's Signature | |
![]() Early Adopter Feb 21st, 2018 Posts: 162 Pixpets: 107 Pixdex: 55 ![]() | 6 Years ago Nov 2nd, 2018 - 4:34 PM Nr. 6 #1087 ^^ AAAAAH SCHNECCO YOUR WRITING IS THE BESTEST EVER. ;_;' though i totally feel sorry for inanna, now. omg. BE NICER TO HER YOU BEAST!! Gummy. Page 2. Hi, journal!! Today I finally got back from my hoard. ^_^ I was out with Sasuke for a while, and we crossed paths with Roe; she's super cool, but doesn't talk much. So Sasuke was like "I'm gonna go follow 'er!" and then I was all alone, and I'm a big crocodile! I can handle going by myself! I'm not scared of the, uh... well, Roe said, one time, that she was off fighting goblins and stuff. And then Ampithere (who I don't know super well- he mostly hangs out with Vermicelli and Pingas...) but he was all "psh, goblins? Come on man, we all know that's baby talk." BUT I DON'T KNOW!!! How can he even prove that? MAYBE HE FOUGHT GOBLINS. Anyway so I hadn't found anything in a while... like in a really long time... and Bunny had seemed really down lately. In that way that adults do when they're like "No, I'm okay" and smile but then you look away and they're not smiling anymore and it's like ARGHGHHH WHY CAN'T YOU JUST TELL ME WHAT'S UP But anyway so I was really determined to find something good today, and I did!!!! I found a Feliphene egg! When I got home 'cause I was SUPER excited I ran home- so when I got home Roe was already there! She patted me on the head and said "Good job, li'l dude!" (even though I'm almost as old as her (she's only a month older than me!!!!!) she acts like I'm her little brother and I guess that's not too bad) and told Bunny. And then BUNNY was all "Woah man, I thought I wouldn't be able to see y'all anymore, ANYWAY SICK AN EGG" and patted me on the head too! :D I can't wait to see the new family member. Bunny usually sells eggs we get, but she said she'd keep this one. I'm glad I got to make her happy. And I can't wait to see what Sasuke brings back! |
bunny's Signature ruby - 21 - she/her furaffinity x twitter x deviantart | |
![]() Early Adopter Feb 21st, 2018 Posts: 162 Pixpets: 107 Pixdex: 55 ![]() | 6 Years ago Nov 2nd, 2018 - 4:48 PM Nr. 7 #1088 pardon the double post... i didnt wanna put two journals in one post it would get long and bamboozling x( -- Vermicelli, Pingas, and Ampithere. Page 3. WHAT'S UP GUYS ITS VERMICELLI HERE BACK WITH ANOTHER LETS-PLAY LET'S SEE WHAT AMPITHERE'S BEEN DOIN' HUH? AIGHT LETS GO! We saw this righteous journal, right, and uh, Vermicelli's writin' for us 'cause I don't have hands (Ampithere) and Pingas can't REALLY write so yeah um keep it goin Celli you're doing gr- no don't write that down... We haven't gone hoarding in a LONG! TIME! And I was all, What's up with that, right? and Vermicelli was all I know right? And Pingas was like Bro it's ridiculous, she just doesn't like our colors! WHICH IS TOTALLY NOT COOL, MAN. BUNNY, IF YOU'RE READING THIS, WE'RE ONTO YOU BRO. So we've just been chillin' in the quantum dimension nonsense box, like ya do, and it's been CRAZY here man! Pingas tellim whats up! So uh... Yeah, like, first she brings home this tiny gator thing, and she's like "Hey guys this is Gummy be cool to him" and then this goat girl happens and she's super mean to us and says that if any of us look at her she'll stomp us to death with her hooves?! And then Ampithere told me (Pingas) to be cool with her 'cause if she's mean to us then I'll stomp HER with MY hooves and I think we got off on the wrong hoof there... THEN we met this little ferret girl! She rocks. There's also a kangaroo who's with us a lot, cuz Bunny really doesn't think her color's good. Man, she's totally color-ist bro! (Ampithere) Like so what, just 'cause our colors are bunk or too similar we can't chill out? RUDE! (Pingas) I'mma be real, bro, I like chillin' here. Like, I hear there are goblins out there, man... (Ampithere) WHAT? GOBLINS? Dude we HAVE to go out again sometime, all three of us. We'll kick those weird {Vermicelli has censored the rest of this sentence} (Pingas) Next time. She says Roe has to evolve first, and didn't you hear? Gummy's got a new egg so when he's off the resting time, that egg is gonna take up a space. (Ampithere) Oh, really? Well. Gummy's cool. I'LL LET IT SLIDE FOR NOW. (Pingas) ...anyway... So that's what's hangin' on our end. Not much, but it be like that sometimes... We'll catch you later. ... ... (Vermicelli) hi! :3 |
bunny's Signature ruby - 21 - she/her furaffinity x twitter x deviantart | |
![]() Early Adopter Jun 5th, 2018 Posts: 19 Pixpets: 7 Pixdex: 7 ![]() | 6 Years ago Nov 3rd, 2018 - 3:32 AM Nr. 8 #1089 ((That's alright @bunny and @Schnecco. Double-posting is fine! I've been busy with Nanowrimo, and so haven't been able to make any pixpet journals, but I really enjoy reading yours.)) |
![]() Early Adopter Feb 21st, 2018 Posts: 162 Pixpets: 107 Pixdex: 55 ![]() | 6 Years ago Nov 4th, 2018 - 6:38 AM Nr. 9 #1095 Roe. Page 3. ...hey, journal. I evolved today. Not much else happened- Bunny was extremely antsy, pacing around the house and popping her head into the kitchen every three minutes, saying how excited I'd be. Of course, it's not like I couldn't tell what was up. Neither of us knew what I'd look like, though, and suffice to say, I'm impressed! My tail was already mighty long, but now I've got an impressive mane of light blue fur. And double-thrice the amount of horns! Next time I come across Alasdair, I'm sure he won't recognize me. (Speaking of, we recently got a Feliphene ourselves- a magenta lad. His name is Brolene, and he seems quite eager to live up to the big cats he's heard about.) Overall, today was a bit boring, but I'm very pleased. Now, I'll be off to test out my new strength. Though I'm sti the old Roe. Mostly, I can't wait to come back home and read what adventures everyone else had been on. |
bunny's Signature ruby - 21 - she/her furaffinity x twitter x deviantart | |
![]() Early Adopter Discord Moderator Forum Super Moderator Game Super Moderator Patreon Supporter Jan 15th, 2018 Posts: 230 Pixpets: 124 Pixdex: 63 ![]() | 6 Years ago Nov 5th, 2018 - 6:35 PM Nr. 10 #1106 ![]() Journal of Noodle, 1st entry, 5th of November, 2018 ~~Noodle Daycare Diary~~ A few days ago Takkju decided to give me some eggs to take care of! I can't believe that he entrusts them to me! I was really exited about it, so I did everything I could do to take care of them! Though I really like Velobild and the other two, which are usually sitting around in the house and do some other stuff, but it was a welcome change to not take care of something that has the potential to destroy something! Well.. on the other hand... if I wasn't careful I maybe could've thrown those eggs off the tables... EEECK Why am I thinking about this?!? Why was Takkju placing them on tables in the first place? That was irresponsible of him! Anyways, in the end everything turned out really well and all the PixPets that hatched were happy and healthy! I still wonder where he got all those eggs in that short time? I'll probably never know... A few days later, I could go on a hoard again, and even better, Velobild joined me! I was so excited to show him all the stuff and to teach him about it! I just hoped I won't mess up anything, that would be pure embarrassment if he'd ever find out about tit. But everything turned out well, we had a lot of fun and saw a lot of interesting stuff on our way! Though things changed when we came back. I saw a weird yellow barrel with a black symbol on it that I have never seen before. Even worse, there was some even more weird green glowing goo in it. Judging from what I saw through the houses window, Igupunk seemed to be very interested in that barrel. I don't trust that barrel. It looks really dangerous. But why would Takkju place something dangerous in our backyard... OH NO, I forgot that he is also careless about eggs by placing them on tables! I better watch the barrel and take care of the others so they won't get near it... A few days later I got send on a hoard again, this time alone. Nothing special happened, but when I returned... I knew that yellow barrel was no good! All the grass is withered now! The first thing I did was checking on the other pets. Luckily all of them seemed to be alright. Why is he so irresponsible and doesn't remove that barrel? I think I need to have a serious talk with him! {...} Last thing I will write in this journal for now: Takkju gave Velobild a strange bar. He seemed pretty happy about it! I didn't have a change to look what it was, Velobild ate it like he hasn't has gotten food in day! It must've tasted really good. I really wish he would've left something for me... A few moments later, Velobild suddenly changed! He looked nothing like he was before, growing much bigger and losing that cute little look he had! Not that this is something bad, and I like how he looks like now but I guess I just need some time to adjust to that... |
Takkju's Signature No, you are not allowed to do this! And no, don't even ask me if you are allowed to do this! ![]() | |
![]() Dec 30th, 2018 Posts: 19 Pixpets: 4 Pixdex: 4 ![]() | 6 Years ago Dec 31st, 2018 - 9:21 AM Nr. 11 #3253 1It's been a while since anyone posted so I hope it's okay to post? This seems so cute so I wanted to join! I love all your entries~ ----- Echo Day One As soon as I felt fresh air on my nose I was entranced by the scents that swept around me, dancing in my fur. I knew that my life would be one of adventure. I would never stop exploring, not as long as there was something to be found. The first time I ventured out into the world I found nothing exciting to bring home with me, but I did gain a little experience. It was disheartening, but shortly after I was visited by friends who came bearing gifts that cheered me up, and soon I was ready to venture out once more. My second hoard was much more successful. I gained so much experience, found a handful of coins, and brought back nine items - nine! I was so happy, I could tell that I had grown so much stronger. I had reached level 14 in a single adventure. The next time my friends came to visit I held my head up high and met them with a wagging tail and a strut in my step. But my adventures were just beginning, and so once more I headed out into the wilderness. Wanderlust had me tightly in its grip, and it wasn’t letting go. This time, I would wander for hours... |
![]() Early Adopter Patreon Supporter Apr 8th, 2018 Posts: 80 Pixpets: 287 Pixdex: 165 ![]() | 6 Years ago Jan 1st, 2019 - 3:30 AM Nr. 12 #3406 1Yay, I am glad you have joined, @Rue! Looking forward to more of Echo's adventures. This is very timely; I wrote a couple entries with my new pets while I have some spare moments for New Years. :) ------ Alasdair's Journal, Part 1: The First Hoards (These events take place on December 21, 2018) When I hatched on the afternoon of the Winter Solstice, Schnecco told me I was perfect. I was just like a pet she had had before, and she gave me his name. This made me uneasy somehow, like she thought I was someone I am not. My color group is black, and the other Alasdair’s was white, but Schnecco said she was actually hoping I would be black this time. I was glad she was happy, and drank up her affection, but hoped I would be able to fulfill the expectations she already seemed to have. ![]() We were in a small room lit by a large window that took up almost an entire wall, and I was surrounded by cushy plushies. Schnecco picked one up. “This one is a Feliphene, just like you,” she told me. I caught my reflection in the window, and thought I looked a bit sleeker than the plushie. Slowly, I tilted my head and waved my tail, enjoying the way the light played off my gems. Schnecco laughed and petted me. ![]() “Here, I have a present for you,” she said, handing me a flask containing dark red liquid with a pink line through it. “It’s a plant pot potion for your first hoard.” She placed some food pellets down as well, and I felt myself drooling at their enticing scent, which I would come to learn was pumpkin. “Eat and drink up, and then it’s time to go!” I wolfed down my first meal without hesitation, and washed it down with the potion. I could never have imagined anything so sweet and delightful, and it made me a little giddy. Later, I learned that this was probably because the potion was made with honey and catnip leaves. I still dream of it and wish I could have another one, but I have a feeling that starter potion will be the purest one I ever have. Out in the backyard, an orange orb floated above a nest. “That’s a Noo-Long egg,” Schnecco informed me. “Once it hatches, you will have a new friend.” I stared for a few moments, fascinated by the levitating egg. “It’s going to take a few days, though,” said Schnecco, nudging me on. A simple brown plant pot sat next to the garden patch, and I walked over, drawn to it. The soil in the plant pot and the garden patch were freshly turned up and watered. ![]() “Yep, that’s a plant pot,” said Schnecco. “Now go find us another one!” I realized the potion was probably heightening my interest in the pot. I gave it a sniff, then opened the gate in the fence and strolled out. Several other small huts and yards, all just like mine, surrounded me. Other PixPets, real-life versions of my plushies, were also stepping out of their houses and heading toward the woods at the edge of the neighborhood. Some were already returning, excitedly hauling capsules and what looked like other eggs. I smiled warily at the PixPets I passed, and most smiled back, but we mainly just went about our own ways. I sniffed at the air, filled with a sense of purpose that I could only assume came from the potion, since I otherwise did not really know what I was doing. Passing rows upon rows of huts, I came to the edge of the woods, and my nose led me to a grassy patch of earth, where I began to dig. A short while later, my paws hit something solid, and I dragged a moderately-sized black capsule out of the earth. I had no idea how it had gotten there, but I was excited to have found it. There was still much to learn about this new world of mine. Sensing my hoard was complete, I wandered back to my little house, glad that I was somehow able to recognize it among the rest. Along the way, I found four golden PixCoins on the ground, and wondered if someone had dropped them. Well, they were mine now. ![]() I carried my small haul through the front door and collapsed among my plushies. Just that short excursion had tired me out. It took a few minutes for Schnecco to realize I was back, but she gave me a hug when she saw me, and opened the capsule. Sure enough, out popped a black designer pot. ![]() “All right, good job!” She set it in the corner of the small room. “Now we just need some high grade seeds to plant in it.” She took three more flasks from our inventory shelves: a brown-colored Seed Potion, an indigo Fertilizer Potion, and a green Decorative Item Potion. “Might as well pick up some fertilizer while you’re getting seeds, and we have three of these item potions, so why not.” It only took a few minutes before I felt up to going out again. After finding the coins and pot on my first hoard, I was now at level 7, so I could explore for three and a half hours now instead of a mere half hour. I ate some pumpkin food pellets, and saved the rest in a satchel to take with me in case I got hungry along the way, now that I would be gone longer. Then I downed the earthy Seed Potion, the slightly sour Fertilizer Potion, and the nutty Decorative Item Potion, and went on my way. This time, I was able to walk much farther into the woods. There was a chill in the air, but my fur kept me warm. Once, I was startled by a Troffinch flying overhead, but the woods were vast and dim, and surprisingly I didn’t come across too many other PixPets. Footprints in the dirt told me that others had been this way, however, and I followed some to a large clearing with a farm. There, other PixPets were looting a mound of bags of fertilizer. Inside an open barn were several seed packets. “Are you sure it’s all right to just take these?” I asked another Feliphene dragging several bags of fertilizer. “I assume that’s what these are here for,” she replied. “Besides, no one is stopping us.” At that, I grabbed 13 different bags of fertilizer, some in bunches that made them easier to carry. I wondered if I would have been able to find this place without the potions. ![]() Next, I nabbed nine seed packets from the barn. Several other PixPets were there, pawing or clawing through them, so I just grabbed the first ones I could, without really looking at what they were. ![]() It was becoming a lot to carry, so I began to leave the farm, but the farmhouse caught my attention, so I went over to check it out. Leaving my pile of fertilizer and seed packets outside, I went through the unlocked front door, through the small mud room, and into the simple but cozy living area, where I noticed a black capsule sitting on a desk. I snatched it up and went back out to my fertilizer and seeds, which were thankfully still sitting untouched. Now began the task of dragging all of these back home. I stopped at one point to finish the rest of my pumpkin pellets to give me some strength to lug my loot the rest of the way. Somewhere along my route, I found four more dropped PixCoins. It was pretty amazing how fast those three and a half hours went by, and this time I needed a nap when I got back. After all that, I was level 17 now. Schnecco nodded approvingly at the fertilizers, though she placed the Plant Slow Growth one in our shop for one PixCoin. “Plants grow slowly enough already,” she told me. Her mouth was a thin line as she scrutinized the seeds. “I guess I should have saved the Seed Potion for when you are a higher level,” she sighed, crumpling up the packets of Giant Clover seeds. “These are useless.” My shoulders slumped. She perked up at the Dragonfruit seeds, however. “At least you got enough of these to combine into one Grade 100 packet. Looks like these are the best we have for now.” I watched her combine the seeds, fertilize our new plant pot with one of the Plant Quadruple Harvest Fertilizers, and plant the dragonfruit seed. Then she opened up the capsule, which contained a black sewing machine. She placed it in front of me. “There, now you can sew your own plushies!” I was relieved when I realized she was joking, because I had no idea how to sew anything, or even where to begin to learn. I closed my eyes again. Now with the ability to leave for eight and a half hours on my next hoard, I had to rest in preparation for being gone all night. |
Schnecco's Signature | |
![]() Early Adopter Patreon Supporter Apr 8th, 2018 Posts: 80 Pixpets: 287 Pixdex: 165 ![]() | 6 Years ago Jan 1st, 2019 - 3:42 AM Nr. 13 #3410 1I hope two in a row isn't spamming; I just want to catch up to the current time. ------ Alasdair's Journal, Part 2: Vasuki Without potions, hoards were much more difficult, but I drew on my experience from the first two, and was able to bring back at least something each time. Often, I managed to find a few PixCoins as well. “Don’t worry, you’ll get better at this,” Schnecco assured me each time, making me feel like I already wasn’t living up to the first Alasdair. During one of my travels, I was thrilled when I had found a cave filled with liquid gems that could be bottled, but the ones I brought back ended up having a dull grade. Each time I went out, I could go a little farther, but my progress was becoming frustratingly slow, and I often stopped at the gem cave just to bring something back. I returned from my seventh hoard shortly after midnight on Christmas Day, and it was around then that the Noo-Long egg hatched. Even fresh out of the egg, the dragon-creature was massive, and took up much of the backyard unless they coiled themselves up. Schnecco named them Vasuki after a mythological serpent/dragon king. It had also been the name of her previous Noo-Long. “Come meet your new sibling,” Schnecco coaxed me, and I went over and held up a paw to Vasuki in greeting. They touched their bulky clawed foot to it, and even though I knew they wouldn’t, I had the sickening feeling that they could snatch me up with just that one foot if they wanted to. ![]() It was late, so we all went to sleep. Visitors stopped by now and then to feed Vasuki and me some treats. Fortified, we were both ready to head out by morning. Vasuki needed almost as much food for their first hoard as I did for my eighth. We headed out together, and Vasuki hovered over me excitedly. I was stuck walking in their long shadow. “Where do we go?” they asked. I led us past the rows of houses to the edge of the woods. There were even more huts now than just a few days ago. “Well, there are the woods, and beyond those, a meadow and some rocky outcroppings. I haven’t gotten anywhere near the mountains yet, and beyond those, who knows.” Vasuki rose up a little to look into the distance at the places I was describing. ![]() It wasn’t long before 15 minutes had passed, and neither of us had found anything yet. “I imagine you’ll need to be heading back soon,” I said to Vasuki, who seemed to be treating this like just going on a stroll. “I’ve still got half a day’s worth of travel ahead of me, so I’ll see you later. Good luck, and just pick up anything you find.” “Oh, okay,” they said, a little dejected. There wasn’t much I could do about it, though. Vasuki was a very beginner at level 0 while I was now level 25, and even with their size, there was no way they’d be able to keep up with me. I walked on through the woods while Vasuki turned around for home. Unable to find anything new and exciting even after exploring for six hours, I stopped by the cave again and bottled some liquid sunstone. I wondered if there was a better cave somewhere with higher quality gems. Back home, I presented my latest dull find and listened to Vasuki talk about their first four hoards. They didn’t find anything on the first two, but on the third, they found 10 PixCoins and some very dull orange pumpkin seeds. My jaw dropped when they said they found a Sunobra egg on the fourth hoard. I had been looking so hard for eggs, and Vasuki had already found one on their first day. “It’s on the market, though, since we don’t have room for more PixPets right now,” said Vasuki sadly. I tried not to show my envy, but went over and rubbed against the blue and gold PixPet Potion sitting on our inventory shelf. I wanted to tell Schnecco, “If you let me have that potion, maybe I could find you a Xeldron egg.” However, only Tuxos were capable of crude human speech, as I had found out when flipping through Schnecco’s beta PixDex entries during one of my breaks. PixPets could understand one another, but I had to find other ways to communicate with Schnecco. “Don’t break that,” she said, rushing over to steady the bottle. “I’m saving it until we have room for more PixPets.” Looks like I would have to find an egg without the aid of potions. Oh well, that would just make it more special. The next morning, Vasuki asked me if I wanted to go with them for the first part of our hoards, since we would be leaving at the same time again. “I’m level 15 now, so I can journey with you for a lot longer this time!” I wondered what would happen if we both saw an egg at the same time, but they seemed so hopeful that I couldn’t turn them down. “Hey, I know, you can ride on my back!” My eyes widened. “Are you sure?” I sure wasn’t. “That wouldn’t be demeaning to a majestic demigod dragon like you?” Now Vasuki looked surprised. “No, why would it be?” “Just making sure.” I walked gingerly over to Vasuki as they lowered themselves as far down as they could go. It was still a hefty jump up onto their back, and I struggled to climb up without using my claws. If I was having this much trouble on the ground, what would I do to hold on once we were in the air? The thought had barely registered when Vasuki lifted up. Instinctively, I wrapped my arms tightly around their neck and buried my face in a tuft of their cloud-fur mane. My arms barely wrapped around a third of their circumference and Vasuki didn’t even seem to notice. “Here we go, are you all right?” My eyes were squeezed shut and I didn’t know if I could open them and still keep my stomach inside my body. A muffled “Not sure,” was all I could manage. “Don’t worry, this will be fun, and now we can go faster!” Yup, just what I needed. I felt the air rushing past, and when I was still alive after several minutes, I risked opening my eyes again and lifting my head. Vasuki was hovering over the tops of the trees and looking down for possible plunder. I guess this did have some advantages. I just needed to stay very still. At the outskirts of the woods, there was a small white building at the edge of a little village I hadn’t seen before, and Vasuki headed toward it. “Brace for landing,” they said, “I’m going to check that place out.” I held on tightly and shut my eyes again, but Vasuki’s landing was gradual and gentle. When we were on the ground, I slid gratefully off onto the firm earth. The white building turned out to be a pharmacy, and the pharmacist informed us that we could each take a free sample of one of the supplements. Vasuki and I both reached for calcium. “You don’t want to get something different from me?” The one they’d chosen looked to be a lower quality than mine. I was getting a little better at discerning these things. “Nah, I like this one,” Vasuki replied. “Think of the potions Schnecco can brew for us with all of these!” “I don’t think we have the other ingredients yet, and I don’t even remember what potions we can make with calcium.” “Guess we will find out!” We walked around the little village for a while, but couldn’t find anything else worth hoarding. The market here was much smaller than the one back home, and we didn’t have any coins with us. As we walked out of the market, though, Vasuki found 14 whole PixCoins. “Think I should try to find who these belong to?” “I say just take them and run.” “Okay, where to next?” Vasuki lowered their neck again. I hesitated for a moment, but then climbed back up. “Wherever you want to go. You’re the one flying.” Vasuki grinned at me and took off once I was settled. We flew together until it was time for them to turn back for home. “I can still keep going for a few more hours, but thanks for the ride,” I told them. “Okay, just remember you’re probably a lot farther than you’d be if you walked, so you may need to start heading back earlier than you think,” Vasuki said as they dropped me off in a wide green meadow. I thanked them again and waved as they lifted off into the distance. Before heading home myself, I managed to find another small farm with four packs of black pumpkin seeds, and on the return journey through the small village, I found nine PixCoins. For the next few days, Vasuki and I were on different schedules, so we couldn’t travel together anymore. I was starting to find more normal, rather than dull, ingredients, but wasn’t having as much luck with PixCoins. Then, on my most recent hoard, no matter where I went, I couldn’t seem to find anything. I tried the pharmacy again, but was told they’d already given away all their free samples for the day. It had been a while since I had visited the liquid gem cave, and now I couldn’t find it. I almost got some pixeldust, but some cheeky Canisqua scooped it up before I reached it. Digging for treasure didn’t turn anything up. I had to go home empty handed, and gazed enviously at the PixPets hauling capsules and eggs and various ingredients along the streets. I know Schnecco was disappointed, even though she petted me anyway. Meanwhile, Vasuki was bringing back all sorts of things, from orange capsules, lucky beans and Cani mineral blocks to a second egg. “Oh, I was just saying how much I wanted an Indigoat!” exclaimed Schnecco. “We’re keeping this one. Won’t it be neat to have a pet hatch on New Year’s Day? Each of you will have hatched on a holiday!” ![]() However, that would mean one of us would have to sit out on hoarding in the PixPet inventory while the egg hatched. After my last hoard, I thought for certain it would be me. Vasuki had the luck that came with being a legendary PixPet, and despite hatching over three days after me, they were now one level higher at 38, while I was still at 37. But it was Vasuki that Schnecco asked to step out once they were done resting. “Alasdair’s got to work toward level 50 to evolve,” she reasoned. Vasuki was good natured about it, like they are about everything, it seems. Sometimes I wish I could be like that, but then again, I am not a dragon demigod. I wonder what the new Indigoat will be like, but I will have to find out after my next hoard. Hopefully this hoard will be more fruitful than the last. |
Schnecco's Signature | |
![]() Early Adopter Feb 21st, 2018 Posts: 162 Pixpets: 107 Pixdex: 55 ![]() | 6 Years ago Jan 1st, 2019 - 5:53 AM Nr. 14 #3431 1phew, i need to get back in here! i missed your writing, schnecco, and ive been so curious how alasdairs been getting along this time! :3 and i cant wait to see what more you do, rue. ^_^ -- Roe. Page 1. ... ... bunny got me a journal, to write in. I suppose I should recount how my life's gone so far. It's weird- I was just born... Like, near a week or so ago, or possibly a little more than that, or less than that, but I feel near adult. Anyway, being born was weird. Well, my hatchday, for that matter. Bunny was staring over me, and my shell was wet, doused in some sort of liquid. She peered at me, furrowed brows, turning me over, and all that. She said, "Yep, you're Roe!" and set me down while preparing some sort of somethings. "Roe originally was white, I think? Well, I guess so. You're indigo, go, which is cool. Get an Indigoat! A good goat, Equi was good. I guess..." She mumbled to herself. I turned in circles and met myself. A nice horn, and long claws, a floppy tail, and fluffed fur. I turned again- Bunny had set down a near mirror image of myself, a plushie. My fur was tinted a vague indigo, as she said. "Well, off you go!" Bunny fed me a weird mix of potions that made my head spin and my mouth burn, as well as some slightly stale pumpkin bits. Unawares as to what I was supposed to do, I simply ran through the backyard and went off to experience whatever. ... ... Vermicelli. Page 2. hi journal! Bunny said since Roe got to journal, I can, also! So I'm going to. Well, I don't have a lot to say. When I hatched, there was a really sleepy-looking bear staring at me through the window. Bunny said her name was Roe, and that I was Vermicelli. I have a really fancy name! And not a lot of luck, but Roe doesn't either. All she likes to really do is lie on top of her table and read books. One time, I had to switch spots with her, and I looked at the books she read- man, she shouldn't be reading those!! Well, I don't do much either. I help Bunny garden and decorate, and find new stuff to make us happy with how pretty our home is. In fact, today, the trinuts we planted finally grew, and so did the bearberries! All Bunny really does is frown at us with her eyebrows grumpled and say things like "I think I need to restart," and "Beta was way easier than this" and I don't know what those mean, but today we got Roe some more books and she finally got to go on a hoard again (though she didn't seem very happy about it) and so I think everything is going really well! mmmm im bored now, okay, bye journal! [there is a inky smudge of a demigod dragon's clawprints here.] |
bunny's Signature ruby - 21 - she/her furaffinity x twitter x deviantart | |
![]() Dec 30th, 2018 Posts: 19 Pixpets: 4 Pixdex: 4 ![]() | 6 Years ago Jan 2nd, 2019 - 9:30 AM Nr. 15 #3596 1I love reading these! They're so great and detailed~ ----- Echo Day Three I had been on six adventures so far, and with each one I could feel myself growing stronger. I returned from my hoards with more promising loot and soon began the task of sorting out which items were more valuable - which ones I could profit from. Slowly my pile of pixcoins began to grow, and with them my pride. I was satisfied with my abilities and how well I was improving. The sixth adventure was different from the others. I had found myself searching near a large body of water. I didn’t know what I was looking for, but something inside me told me that there was something important here, and so I let my instincts guide me. It wasn’t until I was almost on top of it that I saw it; a canisqua egg, just the same as I had hatched from only days earlier. Knowing that I couldn’t leave it there alone, I brought it home with me. I thought about it for a while. Thought about hatching the egg so that I might have a companion - a protégé to train under me and to help me hoard. In the end though, I knew I wasn’t quite ready, at least not for another canisqua as free-spirited as I was. Instead I took it to the market, taking care that it would be safe as I searched for a new home where the pup would flourish and be loved. I watched the bustling market and felt that I had made the right decision to bring it here. I may have only been a few days old but I had already grown to level 26, and I was almost ready to set out on my next adventure. I was wiser and stronger than I had ever been, but there was still far more room to grow, and many more adventures to be had. In three days I would know if my search for a safe home for the egg had been successful... |
![]() Early Adopter Feb 21st, 2018 Posts: 162 Pixpets: 107 Pixdex: 55 ![]() | 6 Years ago Jan 3rd, 2019 - 6:11 AM Nr. 16 #3757 1Rossalin and Igumetal. Page 3 [the page is absolutely scrawled with finch-and-lizard-scratch. it is illegible.] TODAY I WAS BORN!!!! AND SO WAS I!!! TODAY ME AND IGU RACED WHEN WE HOARDED... it was fun and i won not FAIR because she can fly! ![]() oh YEAH? well you stole that rootax egg from me!! i did not, i found it fair and square! *the rest of the page is torn because who let two infantile, argumentative, incomprehensible children write. this is the worst.* -- Roe, Page 4. Today, Bunny took Vermicelli and I out of the hoarding turns- because, we got two new family members today. One is a mighty excitable and annoying Troffinch, named Rossalin. Her brother is Igumetal, an equally energetic and instigating lizard. They had the same color, as well, and are always fighting. Meanwhile, I've enjoyed not needing to go outside anymore, and Vermicelli appreciates having the free time to tend to his gardens. ... And apparently, Igumetal's just found a very rare new egg. Another member of the family already?... We barely have the room for ourselves... |
bunny's Signature ruby - 21 - she/her furaffinity x twitter x deviantart | |
![]() Early Adopter Feb 21st, 2018 Posts: 162 Pixpets: 107 Pixdex: 55 ![]() | 6 Years ago Jan 5th, 2019 - 10:02 PM Nr. 17 #4244 ring a ding, double post coming through! xD -- Roe. Page 5. It's been quiet around here. Rossalin and Igumetal's feud sort of burned out into a... deep, emanating hatred through the house, and Vermicelli has to take to tip-toeing around the angry lizard in his yard to tend to the plants. Meanwhile, Bunny bought some more books for me, so I've just been reading them... yeah, a quiet time. Bunny hasn't been paying much time to us anyway, mostly sending Rossalin out for hoards and barely looking at the scarce results (mind, she is a small bird, so she can't carry back much.) Well, now Igumetal's out... I've also noticed everyone's satisfaction gets higher when they're in my room. Which is fine, I guess, but a certain little bird can't help but try to read whatever I'm reading. Good thing is, she doesn't know a lot of words. It's actually... not been bad, trying to teach her. Slow times, around here. I don't mind it. |
bunny's Signature ruby - 21 - she/her furaffinity x twitter x deviantart | |
![]() Early Adopter Patreon Supporter Apr 8th, 2018 Posts: 80 Pixpets: 287 Pixdex: 165 ![]() | 6 Years ago Jan 5th, 2019 - 10:07 PM Nr. 18 #4247 These are so fun!! :D -------- Inanna’s Journal: I am told my hatching took place at the beginning of a new year, but the few days I have been around feel like they already could be a year. When I hatched, I was male, but Schnecco wanted me to be female like her last Indigoat, so she gave me a bright green potion to drink. My first instinct was that it looked unnatural, like a poison, but I didn’t have much choice, so I drank it anyway. It was really strong, and the taste overwhelmed my senses for a few moments. When I became aware again, I was female. I was only male for a few seconds, so I don’t remember much about it. I am not sure what difference it actually makes, but I never want to drink that potion again. ![]() I was outside in a small green yard, and was ready to go exploring, but instead of letting me go out, Schnecco sent Noo-Long Vasuki on the next hoard. Vasuki does not have a gender. They are very kind and gentle for being so big, but I haven’t spent a lot of time with them. Vasuki and my other sibling, a Feliphene named Alasdair, are gone almost all the time. Sometimes the two of them barely even rest when they come home because Schnecco gives them a bright blue potion that fills them with energy so they can leave on adventures again right away. They seem to like it much better than I liked the green potion. When they are home and not asleep, they sometimes tell me about the things they have seen on their hoards and show me what they bring back. I wonder when I will be allowed to go on my first hoard. Right now, I mainly keep Schnecco company while she is at work, which is a lot of the time. I also like to go to the market and see what pretty things others are selling, but sometimes the bidding makes me nervous. I try to look at the prices to help mind our small shop, and it is fun when someone comes in to buy things, but most of the time running the shop is pretty boring. So is tending to the plants. I spend too much time looking at the flowers on our two plants, willing them to grow, but they take forever! Recently, I’ve had really bad luck with the pumpkin patch, as the last three harvests gave only one flower. Alasdair and Vasuki won’t be too pleased when they return from their next hoard and see how low the food supply has gotten. I’ve heard that there is a Noo-Long gardener named Vermicelli; maybe I should ask them for some pointers some time. |
Schnecco's Signature | |
![]() Early Adopter Feb 21st, 2018 Posts: 162 Pixpets: 107 Pixdex: 55 ![]() | 6 Years ago Jan 6th, 2019 - 12:23 AM Nr. 19 #4280 hey @chicago i was wondering, if youd be alright with me making a small graphic for this thread? :3 so i can put it in my signature. because its my favorite thread. also @schnecco YAY inanna is back! i hope she gets better luck this time around. c: |
bunny's Signature ruby - 21 - she/her furaffinity x twitter x deviantart | |
![]() Early Adopter Jun 5th, 2018 Posts: 19 Pixpets: 7 Pixdex: 7 ![]() | 6 Years ago Jan 6th, 2019 - 12:48 AM Nr. 20 #4282 @Bunny yeah that's all good |
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