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Featurepc loan feature (16 Posts and 115 Views)

Dec 7th, 2020
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3 Years ago
Apr 8th, 2021 - 3:14 AM
Nr. 1 #39660 2
1What's the suggestion? I saw someone joking about a PC loan in another thread, but I thought it was an interesting idea, so I'm suggesting it.

2. How would it work? It's exactly what it sounds like, a system where you can set up a PC loan with another player."

3. How will it benefit players? (In this case, the lender and the borrower)any advice for this third question?but i think a player loaner would loan pc to struggling pixpet players, the borrowers would have a small interest rate of 2 pc's for a certain pc loan amount

4. What are the flaws/exploits that a feature like this might have? What could be done to prevent them? players not paying the loan on time or at the end of say the month an auto alert informing the borrower the loan is due to be paid in order to avoid late pc charges

any advice is welcome and counter suggestions to
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3 Years ago
Apr 9th, 2021 - 12:44 AM
Nr. 2 #39669 3
You didn't have to include the template questions that I provided, but I'm flattered that you did ^^

I think it's a fun idea, and it could even be educational to younger players (and me, who's never taken out a loan lmao). Though as I've said in our PM, it could be very tricky to implement properly and would require a lot of planning to make it fair and non-stressful to both players involved.

Now that I've had more time to think -- for question 3, the obvious benefit to the borrower is that they gain some financial freedom for a short period of time, at least until they have to repay the lender. For lenders, I'm not sure what the benefit would be, since I have no experience with loans. I'm not a big fan of the idea of paying interest on a loan either, even though I understand it's an actual thing. Mainly because I can imagine the most common scenario where a loaning feature would be used is one where a rich player loans PC to a new player, who definitely can't pay them back in a reasonable timeframe, let alone pay interest. But I like that you were going for something realistic, and technically that would create a benefit for the lender.

I'm thinking a system that would work best in the lender's interests would be one where the borrower is only able to use the loan for something that will actually help them pay it back -- such as a bigger house. For example, if I loaned you 100,000 PC specifically so you could buy the final house, then I'd feel more confident that you're going to repay me in a timely manner, because you'd have the tools to do so. So maybe it'd work better as a house loan type thing? I can see how this might be cheaty though, because it could essentially rob a new player of the entire game experience. But to play devil's advocate, we've seen that there are some players who don't want the entire game experience because it feels too slow to them, so something like this might appeal to them. I mean, I'm personally against making giant shortcuts in the gameplay, but if enough people wanted it (like egg trading), my opinion wouldn't really matter. Edit: Then again, we already have the ability to send huge amounts of money to people, and it's no secret that many endgame players including myself have given people "house money" before...so there goes my sanctimonious claim that I don't like providing shortcuts in the gameplay xD

As for possible issues, I do like your idea of alerts/notifications. The only issue I see there is that notifications can be ignored. When all is said and done, there's no solid guarantee that a borrower will repay a loan. A partial fix might be to program an auto-deduction feature so that PC is automatically removed from the borrower and sent to the lender periodically. But the only issue with that is if the borrower runs out of money and they still owe more, then the lender is out of luck. Worst case scenario, I could imagine a borrower leaving the game specifically because they're tired of being in debt. At the same time, in its own way, that's educational too -- because you'd learn that being in debt sucks, and you might carry that into your real life being more careful about taking on debt. (Don't ask me why I keep going at the educational angle lmao; a lot of the stuff on pet sites is already educational)

Having said that, I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing to have a feature that operates on the honor system. We actually already have a feature like that: private trades. While it's secure to trade an item for PC, it's not secure to trade an item for an item. You would have to send an item for 0 PC and hope that the other player upholds the trade and sends their item too. So if we had a more complex feature like loans, there'd need to be a warning of some kind at least, so that lenders and borrowers know what they're getting into and what can happen.

For the specifics of how it might work, I'm imagining something like the private trade system, but more complex. Some possible parameters might be:

Borrower Username:
Loan Amount: ____ PC
Payment Plan: (This is where you'd set up how the borrower repays you. Maybe you'd have them pay small amounts periodically, or the full amount by a deadline.)
Auto-pay: On/Off
Interest Rate: (I know I said I didn't like this, but I can't speak for everybody)

And then there'd be a button at the bottom to create the loan and send it, and the receiver could accept or reject it.

I don't know how I managed to say so much about a topic of which I know nothing, but those are my thoughts lol. Hopefully someone smarter and more optimistic than me can offer better constructive criticism and ideas for how this might be doable. :)
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Dec 7th, 2020
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3 Years ago
Apr 9th, 2021 - 2:14 AM
Nr. 3 #39670
your brough up great counter suggestions

Apr 28th, 2020
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3 Years ago
Apr 9th, 2021 - 3:28 PM
Nr. 4 #39671 1
Ok so this is a great idea but it does have some flaws and i'd like to see if i can contribute!

I have two payment plans (but I do like the second one better), along with the plans debtors could also pay off chunks of the loan and this active payment would have no interest applied, whereas the passive payments would have interest applied.(this interest would increase over time like in real life ie- first week/ 5%, first month/ 10%, fourth month/ 20%, i dident realy math this out its just an example.) This would make both parties involved happy by-

loner/ net gain from passive interest as well as a steady alternative income flow

Debtor/ the chunk payments will create the illusion of bargain- which will activate the reward track of the brain and of course financial freedom cuz of the lone.

Opp 1-
The loner would choose an amount of daily repayment anywhere from 0-1000 but not exceeding 1000. (my resingin is that i can usually get around 1000ish from dailys- and that was from a smaller house and now i have a bigger one so more kush for me uwuwu) these charges would have interest percentage applied and only a certain amount of the charge would actually count towards the loan. Until the daily quota is filled the debtor cant collect any pc for themself. Because this is a harsher plan the interest would increase slower then the second.

Opp 2-

There would be a lone tax on all the pc that the debtor receives. You could toggle the option to see the removed pc value (personally i'd like it off, reduces anxiety u know) becuse this is not as harsh of a plan the interest would increase faster.

I think it would be a good idea to have both plan types because if the lone was spent on a large onetime purchase then the debtor wont have much pc left to sustain their food supply and eventually if they used the first opp then they would flatline on pc production. So the second plan would be better for that. But the choice should still be available incase the player wants to be hardcore or somthing. (they might be a just rip it off- bandaid- kinda person) wheas the second opp still allows pc flow (even if its reduced) and the player can still buy pumpkins and keep supplying a rainy day fund. This also really would be educational for younger players (idk the target audience for pix pets but if i found this in elementary id play the hecc out of it lol) providing good budgeting experience. It would be much better then any curriculum (abou 98% of what you learn in school is promptly forgotten, whereas the statistic is practically flipped for play learning techniques) so yeah i think it be a really cool thing to implement

Apr 28th, 2020
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3 Years ago
Apr 9th, 2021 - 3:30 PM
Nr. 5 #39672
ps u could have a weekly notifcation telling you your outstanding balance and also a notification for when your interest is about to/has incresed.

Dec 7th, 2020
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3 Years ago
Apr 9th, 2021 - 7:33 PM
Nr. 6 #39674 1
unique suggestions pio

Jan 28th, 2021
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3 Years ago
Apr 10th, 2021 - 12:24 AM
Nr. 7 #39681
Oh how about say I owe 50 pc to @/pio(not sending ping) and I haven't paid it back by lets say a month, every pc I get until I get 50 pc goes to pio!
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Apr 28th, 2020
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3 Years ago
Apr 10th, 2021 - 1:04 PM
Nr. 8 #39682
i talked about that a little (being able to gather no income results in a flatline) but i could work for smaler lones ig? i feel like this feacher should be for larger amount at least a few 0s u know

Jan 28th, 2021
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3 Years ago
Apr 10th, 2021 - 5:35 PM
Nr. 9 #39685
@pio yeah I think that would work
Zenyatta's Signature
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Jan 25th, 2019
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3 Years ago
Apr 11th, 2021 - 4:46 PM
Nr. 10 #39688
What if someone used up all their money when it’s time to pay on purpose so they gain the money, would it be like, you are informed of the risks of this action when loaning? But there’s no way, no option even if it’s auto deduct to be sure that your money gets paid back. Would it be refunded by game mods? What if the person took a hiatus and came back to pay the loans afterwards, what would happen to the money the mods refunded for this action?
icearashi's Signature

Jan 28th, 2021
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3 Years ago
Apr 11th, 2021 - 10:06 PM
Nr. 11 #39689
@icearashi Good point. Maybe if you don't pay back by a certain date(Bigger amounts have more time) you have debt and the person who you gave pc to gets them back fro free from the game and there is some form of punishment if you don't pay(still needs to be planed out)
Zenyatta's Signature
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Dec 5th, 2017
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3 Years ago
Apr 14th, 2021 - 12:45 PM
Nr. 12 #39713 3
It is an interesting system but nobody likes to pay back loans really. Also it requires some sort of punishment system for late paying back. I feel like this is a feature that doesn't really belong into Pixpet.

Dec 7th, 2020
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3 Years ago
Apr 19th, 2021 - 12:42 AM
Nr. 13 #39791
(bumping up)

Dec 24th, 2018
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3 Years ago
Apr 19th, 2021 - 1:03 AM
Nr. 14 #39794 1
What would happen if someone owes pixcoins from a loan but never logs into their account ever again? Would that mean that the person who loaned the pixcoins would never see their loan repaid? If the game paid back the loans to the one loaning out the pixcoins when the one borrowing can't pay it back, that can cause problems of its own which could easily be exploited for free pixcoins.

The loan feature would be interesting but would never work out since either people wouldn't be paid back what they loaned or the whole system would just be exploited for pixcoins.

Dec 7th, 2020
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3 Years ago
Apr 19th, 2021 - 11:18 PM
Nr. 15 #39807
i guess the negatives outweigh the positives but what like bk47 said it was for a house loan
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Aug 19th, 2019
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3 Years ago
Apr 19th, 2021 - 11:41 PM
Nr. 16 #39808 1
Besides what Komodo said, even if the devs did try to implement a system for player-to-player loans, it'd probably just be too complicated and out of place on a pet game that allows children on it. You're technically already free to offer loans to new players with the risk of them losing interest and not paying you back; you don't need a dedicated site interface for it.

That said, some kind of house-related service that doesn't involve other players, and therefore has no risks... it could be a thing, maybe. Houses cost a lot, especially big ones, and that can be discouraging to new players.

Maybe there could be like... a house payment plan system that allows you to instantly claim a house and move into it, but let's say that each week, the game automatically takes 50% of your current PC count and puts it towards the house until it's all paid off; auto payments go through as long as you have more than idk 5pc on hand. Of course that's only a very rough idea and probably has some flaws, just... throwing something out there.
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