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Customisationpixpets on chairs and the such (3 Posts and 38 Views)

Apr 28th, 2020
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3 Years ago
Apr 13th, 2021 - 4:05 PM
Nr. 1 #39701 2
i would love to sit my babies at tables and on rotated chairs/sofas
it shouldn't be that hard to implement, just some layer shanagins

Dec 24th, 2018
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3 Years ago
Apr 13th, 2021 - 11:28 PM
Nr. 2 #39702 2
The pixpets can already sit on chairs. In my extra room 2 you can see my midnight sunobra sitting on the wooden couch and if you look in my houses yards you can see my pixpet sitting on benched. All you have to do is move your pixpet onto the same square as the couch/benches.
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Apr 6th, 2018
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3 Years ago
Apr 19th, 2021 - 6:47 AM
Nr. 3 #39799 1

I can understand why this appears to be a no-brainer. Why have chairs (thinking of the wooden and plastic ones) if pets can't sit on them? So I totally get where you're coming from with this.

I know that Komodo has said something about this, so let me see if I can find his post.

...Nope, couldn't find it. (;・∀・) But I remember him saying that it wasn't possible for some reason. Something to do with the grid I think? Or the way things are layered?

I could also imagine how it might be awkward-looking for certain pets to sit on chairs because of their size or anatomy. Pets like Xeldron or Shiroking might cover up the chair entirely (if we're talking about the wooden and plastic chairs) because they're big bois. Then there's Doeliath with its turtle-like body that's hard to imagine sitting in a chair. Then again, maybe that's not really an issue since Komodo has allowed those pets to sit on forward-facing couches and benches despite how funky it looks.

Either way, I would love if at least some pets could sit on the wooden and plastic chairs. Maybe the really tiny pets who can fit perfectly on them, like Owluck and Troffinch.
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