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Plant Dryness (3 Posts and 35 Views)

Mar 31st, 2021
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2 Years ago
Apr 28th, 2021 - 7:32 PM
Nr. 1 #39896
Can someone explain to me what determines when a plant becomes very dry? I watered my evolution fruit plant last night after 10 pm. I woke up this morning around 12:30 and it was very dry and had lost a grade. I put the watering fertilizer on the plant, so it should have had a little over 17 hours of water. It went only 14 without water. I thought the the watering time had to run out for the plant to become very dry, but maybe I am misunderstanding. Some of my pumpkins had also become very dry but curiously, one of them did not lose a grade.

To me, it's almost like my plant isn't recognizing I put the fertilizer on it.
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2 Years ago
Apr 28th, 2021 - 7:50 PM
Nr. 2 #39897
Hmm. That's odd considering that even the unfertilized evolution fruit plant has a watering interval of 14 hours and 30 minutes, and from what I understand, plants start losing grade each hour past the interval, so you would've had to been gone for 15 hours and 30 minutes to lose a grade. But your plant has a water fertilizer, so this sounds like it may be a bug. I'm not sure if GMs can check on this sort of thing, so I'll ping @Takkju.

The only advice I can think to give is to test it one more time. Water it, and then if you can, set an alarm for 14 hours and 30 minutes from that moment. If it loses grade again, then go ahead and create a bug report.
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Mar 31st, 2021
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2 Years ago
Apr 28th, 2021 - 9:52 PM
Nr. 3 #39903
I can do that. I will water them tonight before bed as I usually do, and then I will get up and check them when the timer goes off. I was thinking it was odd for them to lose a grade when they still had several hours left because of the fertilizer.

Edit: Nothing out of the usual happened today. But yesterday when this happened the plant had fruit. It's never happened when the plant does not bear fruit, so I have a theory this glitch might be connected to the plant bearing fruit. I will wait a few days until it has fruit again. If it happens then, I will make a report.
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