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Item inventory has over 200 items (2 Posts and 57 Views)
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Jan 2nd, 2018
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5 Years ago
Nov 13th, 2018 - 3:57 PM
Nr. 1 #1163
When my Sunobra Paris came back from a hoard, he came back with one 40 grade Pixeldust and a single Orange capsule. I collected them both and it seems to have gone over the 200 items in inventory limit.

I haven't messed with my inventory, opened anything or collected anything since just in case, so I'm not sure if it can overflow more.

EDIT: Ah, shoot, just harvested three grade 87 rose pumpkins while I wasn't thinking and it ticked up to 202 without alerting or stopping me, so I guess it can overflow more.
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musician+digital artist | CET (UTC/GTM +1)
I play the pipe organ and can get very excited about them in like 0.3 seconds flat, beware.

Dec 5th, 2017
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5 Years ago
Nov 13th, 2018 - 7:12 PM
Nr. 2 #1169
@Lupik Turns out this was a simple display problem. It also included placed items.
This has been solved, thank you for the report!
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