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Take it or leave it? (86 Posts and 287 Views)

Apr 28th, 2020
Posts: 168
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2 Years ago
Jan 13th, 2022 - 9:33 PM
Nr. 41 #43456
take it take it take ittakeittakeitTAkEIT (and the nurture it, love it, pet it, forfeit al mortal possessions to it)
the unicub line is tied for my second fave pix pet

a plate of utterly delicious smelling questionably sourced meat, pared with the sides of fava beans and a fresh kale salad. comes on a fine china plate with lovely matching silverware (made of actual silver!) and a glass of white wine (or home made peach tea for the kiddies)

Aug 31st, 2019
Posts: 263
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2 Years ago
Jan 13th, 2022 - 9:41 PM
Nr. 42 #43457 1
Take it! Fancy

A magic mirror. When you look into it, you see yourself as the Pixpet that reflects your soul. Instead of seeing a normal landscape, you see a world that appears post-apocalyptic, with some Pixpets trying desperately to survive.
Pudding2019's Signature

Jan 16th, 2022
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2 Years ago
Feb 6th, 2022 - 1:25 PM
Nr. 43 #43756
Quote by: @Pudding2019

A magic mirror. When you look into it, you see yourself as the Pixpet that reflects your soul. Instead of seeing a normal landscape, you see a world that appears post-apocalyptic, with some Pixpets trying desperately to survive.

Take it. Sounds interesting

A classic beige PC, with a shelf of popular retro games (including a DOS version of Pixpet Adventure ), and a subscription to any old internet service provider along with a dial-up modem!

The catch is, the modem transmits at only 300 characters-per-second (very, very slow) and the game disks are all mislabelled

Apr 28th, 2020
Posts: 168
Pixpets: 99
Pixdex: 42
2 Years ago
Feb 6th, 2022 - 2:18 PM
Nr. 44 #43757 1
take it! it should be easy enough to relabel the disks and i don't mind a bit of a slower computer (if its a super cool retro one) also i could potentially fix it! (iv worked on modern computers before so id hv to do some reacherse)

a single jelly bean of unknown flavor that's kept in a glass and steel case with yellow and black stripes on the case... if you take it do you dare c o n s u m e it?

Aug 31st, 2019
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2 Years ago
Feb 6th, 2022 - 4:24 PM
Nr. 45 #43758 2
Leave it. Have you heard of something called Bean Boozled before?

A video game disk, that seems to fit your console or PC of choice perfectly. It's quite fun to play, and has an engaging storyline and good graphics while not causing the device's fans to whir. However, the company that made it went bust years ago and the game will never be updated, nor will there be any sequels.
Pudding2019's Signature

Jan 16th, 2022
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2 Years ago
Feb 6th, 2022 - 5:55 PM
Nr. 46 #43759 1
Easy! Take it.

Even if it's never going to be touched again, I'm sure if it's that good there'd be a fanbase full of art and OCs to enjoy

Who knows, maybe someone'll buy the rights to it and make a sequel?

A digital dragon friend who lives on your desktop and absolutely loves you, always wanting to talk and play with you
...except the computer they live inside is an old computer that's extremely vulnerable to viruses, and along with being completely at the mercy of whoever's using it (so they could be messed with, hurt, or deleted ), they're natively incompatible with most modern devices!

Oct 13th, 2021
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2 Years ago
Mar 10th, 2022 - 4:32 PM
Nr. 47 #44052 1
take it. most old devices are a matter of ancient/outdated operating systems, and not really a matter of hardware. i can emulate those systems, or run it on a virtual machine! i'll love that lil dragon like they deserve.

okay, how about a hardy pair of boots? they're sturdy, look great, and'll last pretty much forever. but they're always just a little bit too uncomfortable. they never leave blisters or marks, but the mild pain is just severe enough to constantly be distracting.

Apr 28th, 2020
Posts: 168
Pixpets: 99
Pixdex: 42
2 Years ago
Mar 10th, 2022 - 6:29 PM
Nr. 48 #44054 1
leave em, having to spend my whole day in my work boots I know how annoying a pebble or even lose stitching can be.

a sentient umbrella that opens and closes of its own will. (it can't talk and can only move bu aggressively opening and closing to scooch around on the floor)

Aug 31st, 2019
Posts: 263
Pixpets: 68
Pixdex: 70
2 Years ago
Mar 12th, 2022 - 3:13 AM
Nr. 49 #44055 1
Leave it.

A shining golden card, that resembles a credit card but has no numbers or contact information on it. Strangely, it seems to fit in your computer's USB port. Instead of booting up a normal program, it causes your monitor to display a strange world with colorful anthropomorphic animals that seem to be sentient. The first one that approaches you resembles a fox, but has purple fur.
Pudding2019's Signature

Jan 16th, 2022
Posts: 27
Pixpets: 3
Pixdex: 1
2 Years ago
Mar 13th, 2022 - 9:12 PM
Nr. 50 #44078 1
Oh yeah! Take it! I love weird tech and virtual furry friends. Think of all the adventures we could get up to!

A first generation Xbox console from twenty years ago, except it has no functioning disc drive so you'll have to hack it if you want to put games on it.
(You'll probably have to pirate the games too since downloadable console games didn't exist back then. )

Aug 31st, 2019
Posts: 263
Pixpets: 68
Pixdex: 70
2 Years ago
Mar 13th, 2022 - 9:52 PM
Nr. 51 #44081 1
Leave it. Piracy is a crime in my country.

A super cute fox plushie?
Pudding2019's Signature

Jan 16th, 2022
Posts: 27
Pixpets: 3
Pixdex: 1
2 Years ago
Mar 13th, 2022 - 9:58 PM
Nr. 52 #44082
What kind of question is that? I'd LOVE a super cute fox plushie!

A dragon friend who carries you places and loves to play with you! However, he can't help but steal random things from places you both go, so you might end up with more than you bargained for!

Aug 31st, 2019
Posts: 263
Pixpets: 68
Pixdex: 70
2 Years ago
Mar 13th, 2022 - 11:18 PM
Nr. 53 #44087 1
Take him! I love dragons!

A sapient creature of a species you’ve never seen before. It resembles a fox, but is bipedal, has purple and navy blue fur, and seems to have an affinity for electronics. Though it speaks a language that sounds like nothing you’ve ever heard before, it is very friendly and clearly wants to be friends with you.
Pudding2019's Signature

Jan 16th, 2022
Posts: 27
Pixpets: 3
Pixdex: 1
2 Years ago
Mar 14th, 2022 - 12:00 AM
Nr. 54 #44092
Heck yeah! I'd never turn down a new friend!
(I wonder if this has anything to do with that strange golden card furry world? )

How about a magical bracelet that enables you to turn into a mural and move along the wall?
The bracelet does smell a bit though

Oct 13th, 2021
Posts: 29
Pixpets: 158
Pixdex: 112
2 Years ago
Mar 14th, 2022 - 2:48 PM
Nr. 55 #44097 1
absolutely take it. its practically magic powers, who cares if its a little stinky!

a blanket thats the most comfortable you've ever felt; it is soft, the perfect weight, not too warm, not too cold. BUT it is perfectly transparent. anytime you sleep with it, your awkward nighttime sleeping positions and pajamas are perfectly visible to anyone who passes by you.

Aug 31st, 2019
Posts: 263
Pixpets: 68
Pixdex: 70
2 Years ago
Mar 14th, 2022 - 3:41 PM
Nr. 56 #44100
Take it, not like anyone passes by me when I sleep.

A smudged letter, written in a language you don’t understand, though the script slightly resembles a cross between Sinhala and Tamil?
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Apr 6th, 2018
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2 Years ago
Mar 14th, 2022 - 7:14 PM
Nr. 57 #44102
Take it! I'll hire a translator!

An enchanted cardboard box that always contains whatever food/drink that you're craving. However, when opened, it causes a power outage in the building you're currently in. The power will only come back on after you consume the food/drink. If the box is opened outside, it causes a blackout within a 100-mile radius.
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Aug 31st, 2019
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2 Years ago
Mar 14th, 2022 - 7:31 PM
Nr. 58 #44103 2
Leave it.

A high-tech smartphone of a brand you've never seen before. It comes with a handy strap, so that you can turn it into a smartwatch and make it more portable. It also expands into a tablet! However, the language is set to something that resembles English, but has simplified grammar and contains peculiar words like lollhollen, puwhunad, wat'har'hel, and bayha. Looking through the photos, there are many selfies and group photos of vaguely feline creatures with brightly colored fur who are nothing like anything you've ever seen before.
Pudding2019's Signature

Jan 16th, 2022
Posts: 27
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Pixdex: 1
2 Years ago
Mar 14th, 2022 - 8:35 PM
Nr. 59 #44104
Take it! It'll be interesting to get to the bottom of the mystery of this phone device. I wonder where it came from? And I wonder what it can do?

How about a small figure of one of your very own original characters?
The figure comes to life every now and again, complete with a personality, and you can even interact with it!

However, the figure's personality frequently completely cycles between the personalities of any of your other characters (and back again) without any warning, even if you're currently interacting with them, despite retaining the appearance of the character it began as.

Aug 31st, 2019
Posts: 263
Pixpets: 68
Pixdex: 70
2 Years ago
Mar 14th, 2022 - 9:31 PM
Nr. 60 #44107
Take it! I would love to have a little friend I made

A futuristic silver pendant. It comes with an instruction manual written in three languages: the strange Tamil-like script, the language of the smartphone, and plain (but somewhat broken) English. The English instructions read as follows:
Stair 1: Place necklace over neck.
Stair 2: Tap into your internal thunder. Feel it rushing over his hands.
Stair 3: Touch gem.
Stair 4: Speak alchemical properties.
Stair 5: When vulnerable, speak the same alchemical properties.
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