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FeatureCollection displays (3 Posts and 36 Views)
Topic Tags: collection displays galleries

Feb 2nd, 2019
Posts: 230
Pixpets: 140
Pixdex: 142
1 Year ago
Oct 5th, 2022 - 7:23 PM
Nr. 1 #45386 2
I had an idea for a pixcoin sink and something that might get the item market jumping a bit more, not just for the really rare items: a way to display the items you collect

A couple pet sites I used to play had something like these (neopets called them galleries i believe?), basically you'd make a separate inventory that users could view, give it a title and organise items in there, whether by theme, colour, set or whatever they wanted to collect things for. I think it'd be cool to have these display like pet profiles, where we could add a background image and some colourful text and decorations above them

This obviously brings up the issue of inventory space and potential exploits, so I tried to think up some limitations that might mitigate that:

  • Making it so you have to empty your displays into your inventory to move houses

  • Starting a new gallery with maybe only 10 slots? and each expansion after that costs the same exponential amount as inventory expansions do

  • A limit, and/or pc cost for making new galleries

That's just my brainstorming anyhow, I'm curious if the idea appeals to anyone else?
Overcast's Signature

Oct 12th, 2021
Posts: 49
Pixpets: 1
Pixdex: 84
1 Year ago
Oct 5th, 2022 - 10:06 PM
Nr. 2 #45388 1
I think this is a solid one. Personally I don't find much interest in collecting items without being able to display unless it's an item I /really/ adore, mostly because they clog up inventory/storage space and I'm extremely fussy about my inventory. It'd make another way to self-set goals, having some sort of gallery of stuff you collect, and I've seen people on sites use them as showing off what they're willing to sell from time to time. Not the primarily intended use, of course, but still a way for people to use it, and might be more appealing than having to constantly update a forum post, instead just being able to link to a gallery/gallery category.

Feb 2nd, 2019
Posts: 230
Pixpets: 140
Pixdex: 142
1 Year ago
Oct 6th, 2022 - 12:32 AM
Nr. 3 #45390
Quote by: @TheSilverSword
I think this is a solid one. Personally I don't find much interest in collecting items without being able to display unless it's an item I /really/ adore, mostly because they clog up inventory/storage space and I'm extremely fussy about my inventory. It'd make another way to self-set goals, having some sort of gallery of stuff you collect, and I've seen people on sites use them as showing off what they're willing to sell from time to time. Not the primarily intended use, of course, but still a way for people to use it, and might be more appealing than having to constantly update a forum post, instead just being able to link to a gallery/gallery category.

That's another great point! It might be handy with how little space usershops have too
Overcast's Signature
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