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NewsUpdate Log : January 2023 (6 Posts and 245 Views) (Closed)
Topic Tags: Update, Announcement, Contest, PixPet, Minigame

Sep 26th, 2018
Posts: 425
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1 Year ago
Jan 31st, 2023 - 6:30 PM
Nr. 1 #45697 11
Hi Players!

Thank you for welcoming yet another new year with us. Thank you for the support especially through the later half of last year when things were a little rough for us, we've truly appreciated your kind words and patience especially when we've had to keep delaying content. Hopefully this year things go a little more smoothly for us. (boy we have so much on adventure to catch up on.)

First up, a new Pixpet, the Oecko has appeared in the Pix Realm. It will be available for use in Adventure mode. The Vivid version will come in the middle of Feb.

(Special thanks to @Totodile2064 for sponsoring this pixpet.)

Next up is an update on the long awaited match 3 game. After the change of hands in coders for this, we've significantly changed up the layout so this will appear more cleanly on your mobile browsers as well. We've introduced 3 difficulties in which you'll be collecting requested cookies in random orders and numbers depend on difficulty with a limited amount of moves.

We are in the midst of adding a time attack mode, so that you can choose whichever mode suits your fancy for your daily plays.

We do believe that this game does have more potential in the long run to perhaps add a map/levels in maybe a version 2 or something like that. What are your thoughts on this? Would this interest you guys?

That said, once we finish up with the time attack mode implementation and final testing, the game will be ready for launch, so we're looking at sometime in Feb. The rewards will be PC at launch, since we're still in the middle of setting up the arcade shop, eventually the newer games and this one will convert over to arcade coins for you to exchange for arcade items or convert to PC/food etc.

As with the recent release of the Vinteralgk, we decided to introduce it originally as a Christmas Legendary pet, but due to the time strain on players trying to get it, we switched it up into being our first Seasonal Pet. Going forward (this will not affect existing pixpets), we plan to introduce more seasonal pets that come out for a few months during the year alongside regular pixpets that are year round or Holiday specific. We've already got some new designs in the pipeline and are quite excited for their seasonal release eventually when it's finally their time.

What you can expect will be as follows:
Winter – December, January and February.
Spring – March, April and May.
Summer – June, July and August.
Autumn – September, October and November.


As Feb is the 'season of love', we decided to kick it off with a new contest (sorry that it's taken awhile to launch another.) The theme is:

Design Furniture Set OR Wall & Flooring Set inspired by Love &/or Friendship
Link to Contest : Here

You do not need to be good at art, just have fun expressing yourself and your idea.
You do not need to pixelate your designs as this is merely conceptual.
Do describe your idea clearly if you're unable to draw it out to give us a better idea of what you're trying to convey. Try simple doodles.

-Anyone can participate (except judges kek)
-Nothing lewd please
-No entering traced, stolen art or AI generated art (please use your own efforts)
-All art must be created by yourself, no using F2U or P2U bases
-Entries will be vetted for plagiarism during judging phase, will be disqualified if found to be doing so.
-No use of downloaded textures or clipart
-Scoring is not weighted on how well you draw, your ideas is where it's at.
-You may submit more than 1 design, but will only be awarded for 1 if you win.
-Disclaimer: Please be aware that by entering the contest that the final product is property of pixpet.net. You will however be credited for your creation should you win.

Entries submitted to the wrong place will not be valid.
Late entries wil not be entertained.

Contest Submission ends
28th Feb, 2023. 11:59 PM, EST. (UTC-5)

Judging Period will be inhouse amongst staff for about a week at most.
Winners will be announced in news & contacted privately as well to arrange for shipping.

With regards to the past contest items, we are deliberating for a way to introduce them to the site so that they remain somewhat exclusive, especially to contest winners, but yet attainable eventually by players at a later date.

These are the current mock ups of the prizes, some will be animated, we'll leave that as a surprise for now as to which.
A wallpaper, a huge heart cushion, a strawberry sundae bowl and a Lin w/cookie Plush.

Prizes are as follows (All winners will receive a badge)
Winner : Items + 150 PPT + 15,000 PC (value $30)
Runner Up : Items + 70 PPT + 5,000 PC (value $20)
3rd Place: Items + 30 PPT + 2,500PC (value $15)


We are aware that players were having problems registering via gmail, that has been addressed.

We have also encountered some old inactive accounts suddenly becoming bot/spammers. Please make sure not to share your email/username & passwords. If you do so, please do so at your own risk. We are implementing a measure whereby we will be able to forcibly reset and request for the user to change up their password via your email in the event your account is suspected of being affected by such malicious activity so that you can recover your account should the need arise. This is currently in testing and will be pushed to live once we make sure it works properly since we take your account security very seriously.

Thank you for sitting through this long start of the year post. Thank you for your continued support :D more to come soon!

~The Pixpet Crew

Aug 25th, 2019
Posts: 170
Pixpets: 178
Pixdex: 162
1 Year ago
Jan 31st, 2023 - 6:58 PM
Nr. 2 #45698 1
Oh, lovely news! I'm still busy with exams so it'll take me a while to finally be able to check out new features as they're added. And oh? A gecko inspired pet that kinda resembles an opossum? Can't wait to find it :D

As for contest entires, can they be related to all kinds of love? Like let's say queer platonic? ^_^
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May 4th, 2022
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1 Year ago
Jan 31st, 2023 - 7:13 PM
Nr. 3 #45699 1
Oooh! Looking forward to see the new pixpet and the match game
Will try to join in this contest as well. Now I just have to figure out with what

Sep 26th, 2018
Posts: 425
Pixpets: 263
Pixdex: 60
1 Year ago
Jan 31st, 2023 - 7:31 PM
Nr. 4 #45700 1
Quote by: @KingSpinosaurus
Oh, lovely news! I'm still busy with exams so it'll take me a while to finally be able to check out new features as they're added. And oh? A gecko inspired pet that kinda resembles an opossum? Can't wait to find it :D

As for contest entires, can they be related to all kinds of love? Like let's say queer platonic? ^_^

Best of luck with exams!

As long as it's pixpet related :) nothing lewd. PG, VERY PG.

Yes related to all kinds, that's why we mentioned friendship a well. In that sense a wallpaper with rainbow hearts for example would work. Or even a comfortable looking set of food to represent pixpets sharing a meal over friendship, that kind of thing. A picnic set, a fishing set etc things you might do with your friends can also be used as inspiration. I imagine colour choice will play a strong role.

At the end of the day the theme is an inspiration and please keep in mind that whatever is designed should fit into the pixworld.
Have fun :D
Early Adopter

Feb 24th, 2018
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Pixpets: 174
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1 Year ago
Feb 3rd, 2023 - 5:10 AM
Nr. 5 #45707 2
my oecko just hatched and i looooove him... if i was a bit more clever maybe we could have had the same birthday, but oh well!
AutumnWyvern's Signature

Feb 2nd, 2019
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Pixdex: 142
1 Year ago
Feb 14th, 2023 - 2:29 AM
Nr. 6 #45740
I hope I can make the time to finish my contest entry, things have been so hectic lately here @_@

Also excited to hear more features and games for the arcade, having a shop to spend tokens at sounds really cool!
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