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Decor Design Contest 2024 (9 Posts and 259 Views) (Closed)
Topic Tags: decor, decoration, decorative item, design, contest
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1 Month ago
Dec 15th, 2024 - 4:07 PM
Nr. 1 #47009 5

Hey all, it's time for the promised decor design contest!

How to Participate:

  • Design a set of furniture for a room type of your choosing, such as bedroom, kitchen, attic, dining room, living room, backyard, etc. (or any room type you can think of! Ballroom?! Bowling alley?! :0)

  • Your set must contain a minimum of 4 decorative items.

  • Wall/ground skins aren't required in the set and won't count toward your minimum, but you can still make them if desired.

  • Tile sets aren't allowed, sorry!

  • You may either draw or describe your set, depending on your ability. Pixel art isn't required, as your submission is meant to be conceptual.

  • Submit your decor set in this thread! You may submit more than one set, but you'll only be awarded for one set if you win.

  • Winning designs will be drawn and implemented in the game by our site artists! (Note that there may be slight changes and possibly even seasonal variations!)

Rules & Guidelines:

  • All registered users may enter, except judges.

  • Designs must be drawn or described by you (no AI assistance, clipart, stock images, etc.) and should not contain any copyrighted material.

  • Submissions should also follow our site's general rules for appropriate content.

  • You don't have to be good at art; your idea is what matters to us!

1st place:
225 PPT
20,000 PC
Gold Contest Badge
Your Winning Decor Set (upon release)

2nd Place:
100 PPT
10,000 PC
Silver Contest Badge

3rd Place:
50 PPT
5,000 PC
Bronze Contest Badge

All Participants:
+10 Item Inventory Slots*
(*if inventory isn't already fully expanded)

Contest Start/End Date:
This contest starts on December 15 and runs until January 15, 11:59 PM (PST). We may extend the contest if needed. Judging begins as soon as the contest ends, and may take up to 2 weeks. Currently no date is planned for when the winners will be announced.

Participant Agreement:
By participating in the contest, you understand that if you win, your design will become the property of Pixpet.net. You also understand that you will not receive monetary compensation for submitting or winning.

Good luck everyone! We can't wait to see what you come up with!

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Jan 25th, 2019
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1 Month ago
Dec 15th, 2024 - 7:44 PM
Nr. 2 #47013 2
Idea 1: Pillow room
-Pillows (1x1, 16 colours with different patterns, or could be a ground cover or able to be put on chairs even?)
-Pillow fort (1x2 or 2x2, kind of like with the bed nook curtains and pillows inside)
-Light background (like beige or even 16 colours) fairy lights
-More bed nooks in different colours
-Hammock (1x1 or 1x2)
-Wooden rocking horse or chair (1x1)
-Ottomans (1x1) (16 colours, preferably base is a different colour than the cushion colour, which is what dictates the item's colour)
-Blankets (I was thinking it would look like the purple cape)
-Long lounge chairs (like the beach chairs, but in regular couch texture, or the gothic couch type)

Idea 2: Music practice room
-Music stand (1x1)
-Microphone Stand (1x1, black or gray)
-Electric Guitar (1x1) (with a stand propped up)
-Acoustic/Electric Guitars (as a wall cover on the wall) (1x1? 1x2? 1x3? Depending on what is viable, orange, red, black)
-Black speakers (like the white designer ones but black)
-Soundproof walls (the practice room ones, white wall with holes? Could remove this if it triggers any phobias
-Piano stool (1x2, please make it higher so it's somewhat the height of the current piano)
-Electric Keyboard (1x1)
-Amp (1x1)
-Stools (1x1)
-Posters (1x1 wall cover, think band posters)
-Acoustic panels (1x1 wall cover panels that looks like a grid with slightly alternating colours)

These are the main ones but could also include other instruments conga drums, timpani drums, gong, xylophone, flute, recorder, trumpet etc.)

Idea 3: Art studio
-Drawing table (1x1 or 1x2, those that can be shifted to a certain angle that's easier to draw on. I was thinking the rotatable type of item, where if it's a different rotation it looks different? One could be shifted to an angle, the other could be just flat)
-Easel (1x1 empty, blank canvas, white)
-Easel (1x1 with unfinished art, could be a selected few colours depending on the current colour count of decors)
-Another art collection (I will suggest art pieces as inspiration)
-Unfinished or finished pixpet sculpture (propped up like the marble statues, but perhaps only the drax face)
-Wooden shelves (wall cover, like the wall mounted bookshelf but in a lighter colour, several layers with art supplies on there) (an alternate idea is having box wooden shelves which looks more artistic)
-3 layer art carts with various art supplies (a few chosen colours, like white, cyan, gray, think the style of the bathroom items. Also maybe a wooden one.) (on it, different buckets of art supplies, brushes, pencils, colour racks, glues, paint tubes (large ones), boxes, glue, things like that)
-Palette (The wooden c shaped ones, flower or rectangular shaped white ones with paint
-Jars with art supplies (pencils, brushes) (1x1)
-Paintbrush (1x1)
-Watercolour set (1x1, a set with all 16 colours as paint)
-Drying rack for art (1x1 or 1x2, the ones that are layered, has artworks on some layers)
-Apron (Wall cover 1x1)
-Bucket of paint (1x1, was thinking gray tin with maybe the primary and secondary colours, if 16 colours is too much, the gray one could just be empty)
-Paint bottles (1x1, the primary and secondary colours, if 16 colours is too much)
-Art Craft Table (2x2) (Similar to the board game table that we already have, but with art supplies or unfinished art on there)

Extra: Not too related but a half painted wall which has 2 colours together, it would make for interesting rooms, ladder that is open or propped up against a wall (wood/metal), stack of art papers, tape, clay, cup for water, general stationery)

Idea 4: Throne Room
-Throne (1x1 red velvet, golden edges)
-Chandelier (wall cover, 1x1/1x2, the type of wall cover that the disco ball is, hanging from the ceiling)
-Pillars (Golden noolong pillars)
-Indoor marble/golden shiroking/xeldron statues
-Wall cover curtains (1x3)
-Golden dining table (a golden version of the gothic table)
-Royal hanging banner (1x1, long wall ones, pointy end with a creature silhouette in the middle) (could have a few versions, for all the legendaries)
-Podium (patio sized, but red with carpeted stairs)
-Standing up tall lamp with candles in a circle/candelabra (1x1)
-Golden candelabra/candle (short) (1x1)

Other items: Golden chest (treasure chest half opened with golden treasure around it), crown (gold? silver?), scepter, golden edged mirror (wall cover), vases (blue or light green patterned, white base colour)

Idea 5: Movie set + theatre items
-Popcorn (1x1)
-Popcorn machine (1x1)
-Bottled drinks or cup drinks (think takeout drinks)
-Director chair (1x1)
-Drama masks (1x1, the comedy/tragedy ones)
-Spotlight (wall cover 1x1)
-Tickets (1x1)
-Movie reels (1x1)
-Large TV (1x3? 1x5?, wall cover)
-Red carpet (1x3)
-Camera (1x1, black/gray)
-Clapperboard (1x1, black/gray)
-Award trophy (yellow, with a base)
-Barrier post (it's those that stop you from entering a place, there's a rope in the middle 2 metal posts) (1x1, but you can put them next to each other)
-A set item that you could put at the top left or top right corner to change the colour of the walls and ground (for a 3x3 or 4x4 grid)
-A wooden stage (patio size)

Idea 6: Farm
-Barn (similar to spooky shed)
-Windmill (1x1 or 2x2)
-Wheelbarrow (1x1)
-Fence (as a barrier item, 1x1, and you can put them next to each other. Also corner pieces)
-Bag of seeds or fertilisers, with a gate
-Sprinkler (maybe animated)
-Farming tools (pitchforks, shovel, spade, hoe, rake, could also be an indoor wall cover item with all of these tools on it)
-More items like wheat (maize, soybeans etc.)
-Water ground cover (similar to the beachline water tile, but for grass or brown ground)/long water trough item (1x3/1x4/1x5)

Idea 7: Indoor playground
For reference, the colour scheme of the kinder set.
-Ball pit (2x2, think the inflatable pool but filled with multicoloured balls instead, or foam pit!!!). There could also be a separate floor skin for it.
-Multicoloured obstacles (1x1, you know like those weird seesaws, cube looking things with holes, n shaped, ramp)
-Playground Boxes:

-Trampoline (2x2, 1x1)
-Climbing wall indoor skin
-Plastic bench
-Large plastic pixpets (like the toy ones on the ball pits)
-Plastic mats (2x2)
-Hopscotch (ground cover) (1x3?)

Extra: Other playground facilities, I don't know how it can be translated into items. But something ok I'll draw it, net sides, the walking bridge thing idk ok. Big plastic cars.

Idea 8: Carnival
The items could be animated if it’s not too difficult? (Or it could be a simple flashing light animation)

-Attractions: Carousel (with horses), Ferris wheel, Pirate ship, Tilt a whirl, hot air balloon
-Carnival food: Cotton candy, burger/hotdog, churros, ice cream, caramel apples
-Carnival stalls: Selling food - those could have wheels, game stalls, merch stalls
-Toys/prizes: More pixplushes! (Large ones, small ones) (e.g. Saurospud, Lutipaw, Oecko, Pandstar, Duskubb, Cupiqua etc. cute ones), pile of pixplushes (like the pile of presents)
-Decorations: Multicoloured balloons fixed on the floor (was thinking there could be a few: one with the regular red yellow cyan purple lime colour scheme, one with warm colour scheme, one with cool colour scheme, pink, monochrome), carnival flags, large figures that are pixpets with outfits

Idea 9: Dessert Shop
Light pink, light blue, light green pastel colours, it should fit in with the rose kitchen items
-Display cases (brown) (with glass)
-Display platter
-Cake stand/3 tier dessert stand
-Compact kitchen in other colours
-Kitchen items (Whisk, spatula, bowls, measuring cups)
-Menu (hand-written, as a standalone board, 1x1)
-Food: Small tarts (1x1, 16 colour?), waffles, ice cream, milkshakes or smoothies
-Lighter colour version of the chocolate milk dispenser
-Round tables and round chairs
-Hanging lights and hanging plants (wall cover)
-A larger message board (wall cover, similar like the existing pinboard but bigger, like how people would leave messages/cards/photos/signatures on there)

Idea 10: Pizza Shop
-Pizza (small) (1x1) (a few types, all cheese, pepperoni, thousand island etc.)
-Pizza (large) (2x2)
-Pizza oven
-Stacks of pizza
-Pizza boxes
-Pizza dough
-Pizza topping table
-Pizza display table
-Menu (hand-written, as a standalone board, 1x1)
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Other Commissions:
Cake Slices
Cup Noodles
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Dec 28th, 2017
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1 Month ago
Dec 16th, 2024 - 2:01 AM
Nr. 3 #47014 1
Heres some of my ideas.

Auto Racing Room
Some kind of racing thematic playroom. Thats it. Lets put some crazy pixpets having fun riding cars... or at least, intending to do it with remote controlled ones or with their own beds.

Cars/Racing Track Posters
Compact Toy Car Workshop
Toy Race Track Sets or a Big Race Track Decorative Scale Model
Toy Car Garage/Commuter Parking
Toy Plastic Cars (available in diferent models, sizes and colors) Can also be Karts or Motorbikes.
Car Shaped Beds or real life size cars, for Pixpets to ride.
Driving Simulator
Start/Finish Line Rug
Decorative Car Wheels
Decorative Rusty Car Doors
Racing Flags
Winner Podium
Trophies (Pixpet already have some of those item but more at more formats)

City Street Room
Some Room that looks like some city scale model, soo or Pixpets can play and pretend they are gigantic monsters like godzilla smashing some cities.

Road Cones
Road Signs
Parking Lots Rug
Pedestrian Crossing Rug
Road Signs, Traffic Lights or Traffic Signs
Bus Stop
Bus Replica, Cars Replica, Taxi car Replica...
Telephone Booth/Telephone Call Box
Different Buildings Replica (lots of those for high city buildings diversity)
Street Art or Street Graffiti for Wall decorations
Very big rugs simulating tracks or highways in different formats. (I know Tiles are not allowed in the contest rules, but some Road Tiles would be so cool in a room like this, so players could create they own road tracks. However, i think rugs can do the same trick)
I also was going to suggest street lamps but they already exist in game.

Skatepark Room
Decorative Bicycles, Scooters, Kick Scooters, Skates.
Colorfull Skate Wall Paintings
Skatepark Pipes or Standard Outdoor Mini Ramp
Skate Bed
Skate Replica for Pixpet to ride
Skatepark Sofa that looks like some Skatepark Pipe
Skate Table

Aeromodelling Room
Decorative Toys Helicopters or Planes
Airport Scale Model Table
Wall Hanging Planes
Tiny Aircraft model
Plane Bed or big planes for Pixpet to ride
Plane construction conceptual project ancestry painting

Golf Simulator Room
Rugs that look like outdoor golf camps or Mini golf camp
Golf simulator enclosure kit
Decorative chest full of golf balls
Big television with golf scenarios
Decorative golf stick/golf club
Decorative bag full of golf sticks/golf clubs
Golf paintings
Golf cart

Alien Themed Bedroom
Sinister Green Alien plushies, toys, decorations
UFO/Spaceships shaped Beds
UFO/Spaceships as toys or wall decorations
Other world paintings or Other world windows (landscape to other planets and universes)
Glow in The Dark Solar System Wall Decorations
Star Projector/hologram
''I want to believe in aliens'' rugs or posters
Giant metallic decorative UFO/Spaceship
Neon lights

Edit 1: Added Golf Simulator Room and Alien Themed Bedroom

Dec 24th, 2018
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Pixdex: 141
1 Month ago
Dec 16th, 2024 - 11:41 AM
Nr. 4 #47015 1
Idea 1: Bomb shelter
- diesel generator: (4X4)
- cot (1X3)
- Box of rations (2X2)
- tin can of food(1X1)
- twist handle metal door(1X2)
- radiation sign (1X1)
- gas mask(1X1)
- metal shelf of supplies (1X3)
- Ham radio (1x1)
- Red glowing emergency light (1x1)
- Vent (painting/window type item) (1X1)
- radioactive glowing puddle green(carpet item) (2x2)

idea 2: Homebrew room
- Glass carboy(empty) (1X1)
- plastic carboy(empty) (1X1)
- plastic bucket(1X1)
- Glass Carboy(red wine) (1x1)
- Plastic carboy(red wine) (1X1)
- Shelf of bottle grain(2x2)
- Bottling tree (1X1)
- pot on camping stove(2x2)
- Grain miller (2x2)
- Box of glass beer bottles(2x1)

idea 3: Occult dungeon
- dusty ominous grimoire on podium (2x1)
- sacrificial dagger (1x1)
- pile of bones (1x1)
- wall chains with skeleton (1x1)
- ornate altar (2x2)
- lit candles(red, green, black, blue, white candles) (1x1)
- red ritual circle pagan or wiccan(works like a carpet item)(2x2)
- stone ornate demon statue(2x2)
- round table with crystal ball (2x2)
- tarot card deck(1x1)

idea 4: Burial tomb
- arrow/dart trap(works like window items)(2x1)
- sarcophagus/coffin (2x2)
- Giant round boulder(2x2)
- pressure pads ground pieces(like carpet items) (2x2)
- pile of treasure (2x2)
- ornate vases(1x1)
- ancient medallion (1x1)
- broken ancient sword (1x2)
- pile of sand (2x2)
- mossy cobble stone/sandstone style wall(wall paper)

Oct 20th, 2021
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Pixdex: 79
1 Month ago
Jan 2nd, 2025 - 5:44 AM
Nr. 5 #47035 1
Submission 1: Floral Flow

Submission 2: Star Shine
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Jan 24th, 2019
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Pixdex: 68
1 Month ago
Jan 3rd, 2025 - 6:48 AM
Nr. 6 #47037 1
Idea! Computer Room:
- Fancy Modern Desk 1x2 or 2x2 (Depending on if its just a flat against the wall desk or an L shaped desk)
- Monitors 1x1 (Color could determine desktop backround!)
- Desktop Computer 1x1 (Could come in various colors) I was thinking a glass sided case so you can see the inside and maybe it could have fans that run? That would be really cool!
- Laptop Computer 1x1 (Color could determine desktop backround!) You can go with a MacBook Air type look for simplicity.
- LED Strips for Walls 1x2 (All the Colors!!) If they could flicker or something that would be awesome!
- Tripod for Camera 1x1
- Headset 1x1 (All the Colors!)
- Mouse and Keyboard 1x1 (All the Colors!)
- Gamepad Controller 1x1 (All the Colors!)
- Modem and Router 1x1
- Game Posters from the Arcade! 1x1
- Plastic Mat that goes under desks 1x2 or 2x2
- Fancy Gaming Chair 1x1

Aug 29th, 2024
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Pixdex: 101
1 Month ago
Jan 3rd, 2025 - 12:09 PM
Nr. 7 #47038 1
Boiler Room (Basement)

In no particular order, depicted:
- boiler (no less than 2x2 in size);
- fireproof rug;
- pipes, L-shaped;
- pipes, gate-shaped;
- water storage tanks;
- coal bucket;
- coal shovel;
- fire extinguisher;
- 4-stages water purifying system;
- radiator/heater;
- electricity control unit;
- rubber rug (safety first).
Sorry for the quality, I'm no artist

Aug 25th, 2019
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Pixdex: 162
29 Days ago
Jan 15th, 2025 - 2:21 PM
Nr. 8 #47058 1
Exotic Greenhouse
Luminous glass walls and dark wooden tiles
Moss wall decorative frame (made with round, fluffy moss)
Lichen wall decorative frame (this one contrasts with the moss by looking very sharp)
Nepenthes pitcher plant (this one can be found by green/lime pets, but a few colour variants and rarities would be available as pitchers can be deep red, green, yellow, purple, white, etc.)
Venus flytrap
Cobra lilly (these can also have some intricate patterns on them and there's different shapes too!)
Wooden flower shelves
Wooden ladder
Anything that's glowing, like decorative glowing driftwood would fit nicely as a decoration in there. Not sure, I think this phenomenon is called foxfire? Kinda like that :)
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28 Days ago
Jan 16th, 2025 - 9:09 AM
Nr. 9 #47059 3
Submissions are now closed and judges will discuss each entry. Thank you all for participating!
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